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Static IP Not Automatically starting

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    Static IP Not Automatically starting

    Hey Gang -

    Can't figure this one out!

    When I installed Kubuntu (11.04), it connected to my network via DHCP. However, once the install was finished, I went in to KDE Network, added a wired network, checked the Connect Automatically box, named it, gave it a static IP, subnet mask, gateway, dns, etc.

    However, whenever I restart the computer, it always defaults to DHCP. It only "connects" as a static IP if I select the "WIRED CONNECTION" that I created - even though its set to start automatically.

    Any ideas on how to get my static ip address to come up as default?

    thanks in advance
    - Chris

    Re: Static IP Not Automatically starting

    I had the same problem and the only solution I found was to replace knetworkmanager by wicd.
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Re: Static IP Not Automatically starting

      I had the same problem and didn't find any solution inside knetwork manager
      FKA: tanderson


        Re: Static IP Not Automatically starting

        delete the wired connection ,and set it up again (at least that works for wireless clients) you can always use your router to staticly assign an ip to your machine and just leave dhcp on your computer . (static ip leasing, not all routers can do it)

        you can also manually set the ip in your /etc/network/interfaces file.
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
        (top of thread: thread tools)

