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Samba still broken??

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    Samba still broken??

    Has anyone been able to reliably access Windows shares?
    Seems to have been broken for the last few releases.
    Wish it would work.... sure doesn't for me.

    Re: Samba still broken??

    Upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. Samba4 was broken, and I cannot run Samba. But the Windows shares still function!


      Re: Samba still broken??

      So you're saying that you can reliably access a windows share from you Kubuntu system? I haven't been able to do that for the last few releases. How are you able to do that?


        Re: Samba still broken??

        i just installed kubuntu for the 1st time in a long time. I wanted to see the new version of KDE. I was instantly
        able to see the windows shares on my other computers. I was not able to create a share using dolphin's right click method
        from within kubuntu to share anything on the linux box. I created a smb user and a password and installed the gui samba
        configuration program and was able to create samba shares on the kubuntu box that I can access from both my
        mac and windows machines.


          Re: Samba still broken??

          Using Dolphin, I have always created an IP-based entry for the computer with the Windows share.

          So, one of my Windows computers with shares is on the LAN at

          I create (in Dolphin) using "Add entry..." a location named smb://

          If the share folder is "Public", then I use smb://

          The shares are visible. I've used this method for several years now. Has never failed. (I have used every Kubuntu version since Feisty, including Natty).

          It's important to realize that the mDNS services that Windows uses to maintain a share directory on the LAN isn't on by default in (K)Ubuntu. If my computer that has the mDNS directory (a Windows computer) is on and my mDNS (Avahi) client on Kubuntu is running (and port 5353 which is used by mDNS is not blocked), then Windows (Samba) shares have always showed up in Dolphin for me.

          I've never really had horrible problems with the Samba client (or Samba server) itself -- it's the network and directory service that gives the problems.


          Right now the killer is being surrounded by a web of deduction, forensic science,
          and the latest in technology such as two-way radios and e-mail.


            Re: Samba still broken??

            cps22: I just copy my previous /etc/samba/smb.conf file, which I once upon a time edited by hand. Sorry, cannot remember more. O yes, I have the firewall disabled


              Re: Samba still broken??

              Made a fresh install instead of an upgrade, and Samba still failed. Maybe I should qualify that. As I mentioned above the Samba shares still work, but what does not work is the configuration program:

              root@DESKTOP:~# system-config-samba
              Traceback (most recent call last):
              File "/usr/sbin/system-config-samba", line 44, in <module>
              import mainWindow
              File "/usr/share/system-config-samba/", line 30, in <module>
              ImportError: No module named glade

              Could it be so that the system-config-samba is a gnome program, whereas I am using Kubuntu 11.04?


                Re: Samba still broken??

                I'll try the method that Perspectoff and others suggest. If it works I'll be very happy.


                  Re: Samba still broken??

                  OK, From within Dolphin.... (on kub 4.11)
                  I went to "Network"
                  clicked on Add Network Folder
                  Clicked the MS Windows network drive, then next
                  a form opens asking for Name, Server, Folder....

                  Perspectoff, or others... where do I go from here?
                  I tried several combinations, but still can't get this to work.

                  Thanks in advance,


                    Re: Samba still broken??

                    Something I am wondering about here too...

                    Shortly after installing 11.04, I tried accessing a share on my Windows PC. It has a fixed IP address and I use the same username and login for both computers.

                    When I tried it the first time, it worked fine. I could browser folders and copy to and from them.

                    Today, I was trying to transfer some files. I browsed to the folder in Dolphin, but when trying to copy to the folder on the Windows PC, I get "Access denied". I can browse everything, but not create new files or folders.

                    BTW - my user on the Windows pc has full control (all privileges) on the shared folder. So there is no problems with permissions on the Windows pc.

                    The first time I tried accessing the share, I got a question about username and password. I looked in the Wallet to see if there was something there, but could not find anything. After I got the "No access", I checked the configuration and found a setting called Sharing where I could set a default username and password. I entered my creds. there, but it seems like it is still hanging on the "No access".

                    Nothing has changed on the Windows pc between last time and now.

                    This is a little bit of a mystery to me. Any ideas?
                    Software tips (in Norwegian):


                      Re: Samba still broken??

                      This is a bit left of field but it may be of use to some. I recently setup a new NAS on the home network. Kubuntu had no issues seeing the device and browsing it but copying to and from was slow and playing audio files seemed to cause the remote file to be copied to a local temp directory. This behaviour is both slow and impractical for media files.

                      The solution I ended up with was to use autofs and smbclient. steps:

                      0. install the required packages
                      apt-get install autofs smbclient
                      1. make sure the NAS device has a static or reserved IP address
                      2. (optional) create an entry like the one below for the device in /etc/hosts so you can refer to it by name
                      head -2 /etc/hosts
                      3. edit the /etc/auto.master and add a line for samba that looks like this:
                      grep smb /etc/auto.master
                      /smb	/etc/auto.smb
                      4. reload the automounter configuration
                      sudo service autofs reload
                      at this stage you should be able to access samba shares like this:
                      ls /smb/seagate
                      ls /smb/
                      5. So that you don't have to remember the name or address of the share, create useful symbilic links. So for example, on my NAS there is a shared folder Public/Music. I want this folder to be seen and used by programs like amarok and rhythmbox etc that look in ~/Music. So I create a lionk like this:
                      cd ~/Music
                      ln -s /smb/seagate/Public/Music ./seagate
                      Create as many links like this as you need to integrate network shares into your existing filesystem. If you are not on your local network these shares will just appear empty. When you are on your network their content will just magically appear. Works for me *and* overcomes the performance issues I was experiencing with using smb://path type file references *and* I don't have to explain to anyone where stuff lives or reconfigure a bunch of applications because it all works transparently :-)


                        Re: Samba still broken??

                        I noticed that you can also use ftp in Dolphin, so I added a folder via ftp as I had alreaady set up FileZilla server on the Windows pc. Works like a charm! So until I hear more about a solution for Samba, I will use this.

                        When it comes to Kubuntu <-> Kubuntu I wish there was an easy way to set up NFS shares and connect to them. It truly should not be more difficult than setting up an ftp folder...
                        Software tips (in Norwegian):


                          Re: Samba still broken??

                          i've manually added Windows shared folder locations to Dolphin. it works perfectly fine with copying files from my Windows server to my Kubuntu 11.04 machine (have not tried the other direction).

                          as mentioned previously, SMB is not 100% - i cannot 'stream' video files over the network from my Windows server to my Linux machine. its a bit aggravating.

                          beyond that, has anyone noticed that when you are copying files over the network, if you then try to open Firefox (or similar), the amount of time quoted to finish the file copy process increases drastically?


                            Re: Samba still broken??

                            Originally posted by not12listen
                            as mentioned previously, SMB is not 100% - i cannot 'stream' video files over the network from my Windows server to my Linux machine. its a bit aggravating.
                            thats correct you can't stream from a samba must mount it first. if you want to stream over samba you should have a look at this page

                            for all you people with issues connecting to your windows machine if you have VISTA or WINDOWS 7. by DEFAULT IS to INGORE ALL NTLMv2 machines (inother words its set to only talk to vista or higher) .. you can change the setting and then you should get access to the share, i forget how to change it but a quick search will prolly yeild the proper solution. ( this is 100% a windows problem.

                            Samba will randomly prompt for passwords when its served from a windows machine (idk why but i have never see it happen w/ a linux or mac smb server). on windows it just ingores the login stuff when prompted (seriously) unless the share requires it.

                            @oceanwatcher you must have a permission issue if you can't write. it does not matter what rights the local user has be sure that the share's rights are correct (i think you can find this in the properties of the folder under a sharing tab).also NFS is super easy to set up .. just follow the guide. ( I know it looks complicated but its really not that hard.
                            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                            (top of thread: thread tools)


                              Re: Samba still broken??

                              Forgot to say I am on Win XP. But I did say that it worked the first time I tried And suddenly it is not working. And no place to actually specify user and pass for the share. It should be possible to right-click, choose properties and there have a tab that has to do with user and pass.

                              I think I made it clear, but to repeat: I am working on my Kubuntu laptop and trying to connect to a shared folder on Windows XP.

                              NFS is super easy to set up .. just follow the guide. ( I know it looks complicated but its really not that hard.
                              Sorry - do not see anything supereasy there... It is all CLI. I do not mind, but I never call it supereasy. What I am talking about is

                              1. Right click on any folder in Kubuntu

                              2. Choose share

                              3. Choose method - Samba or NFS (could add ftp as well if a server was installed)

                              4. Choose security and set up permissions

                              5. Done

                              On the PC connectiong to it:

                              Add NFS in the wizard and use the IP address + share name to connect to the NFS share.

                              The rest is something that shouls be left to the system to deal with.

                              There is no reason why NFS should be any more complicated than this. Maybe we would use it a bit more then....
                              Software tips (in Norwegian):

