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No Sound on New Kubuntu 11.04 Installation Solved

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    No Sound on New Kubuntu 11.04 Installation Solved

    I have just installed 11.04 on a brand new computer and everything appears to work but no sound.
    Motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-H61M-USB3-B3 mATX LGA1155 H61 Video Sound Motherboard
    Processor is Intel Core i3 2100 Dual Core Hyperthreading Processor

    I am quite new to Kubuntu. This it the first time I have encountered sound problems so any advice or suggestions would be welcome on how to test the sound system or drivers that may have to be installed.
    Volunteer 'buntu installer/support guy

    Re: No Sound on New Kubuntu 11.04 Installation

    Easiset things first, it may simply be that the sound is muted.

    click (or it may be right click) on the kmix (sound) icon in the taskbar and select mixer. Under the output you should see at least 2 items - master and pcm. If either of those are at zero your sound will be muted.


      Re: No Sound on New Kubuntu 11.04 Installation

      That was the problem. You have certainly added to my education.
      I feel a bit sheepish for not finding it myself, but coming from Ubuntu, I was looking for another solution. Funny how little changes between the two screw me up.

      Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

      Volunteer 'buntu installer/support guy


        Re: No Sound on New Kubuntu 11.04 Installation

        Glad that was it.
        Can I ask that you edit the title of your thread so as to mark it as solved?


