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Audio Input not working (Output is fine)

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    Audio Input not working (Output is fine)

    Hi, been a long time since my last post, sice i upgraded to natty I cannot get my mic working.

    dell dimension 4700, just using the onboard sound (not the best i know)

    The speakers are plugged into the green ouptut and working fine, in phonon output set to (Internal audio analogue stereo) and when you click test you hear the kubuntu test music.

    The mic is plugged into the pink output, in phonon under [audio capture] --- (internal audio analogue stereo) is at the top of the list but the test button is greyed out, there are lots of different choices and i have tried them all but still no test button and mic still doesnt work.

    In KMIX all volumes are un-muted and turned up, when i right click on KMIX and select master channel it is set to (internal audio analogue stereo) for output and capture devices.

    when i go into the kmix mixer, the caputre streams tab has no volume in it , it is just blank.

    any ideas, thanks

    Re: Audio Input not working (Output is fine)

    also , though i might add, this was working fine with the same hardware b4 the upgrade, I did a clean install , not just an upgrade


      Re: Audio Input not working (Output is fine)

      you might want to check in the pulseaudio controls get your self padavchooser and then configure you input. or you can do what i've done and just remove pulseaudio your computer will default back to the alsa system. if you dont' want to remove pulseaudio i would look around the output not working threads as the advice is the same check the pulse controls via padevchooser, and similar tools.(the names escape me atm..)
      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
      (top of thread: thread tools)


        Re: Audio Input not working (Output is fine)

        Hi thanks, i've installed padevchooser and this has given me a new control panel, within padevchooser I can now see the level of the mic flashing up when I talk into it, so i know the machine is getting the audio but there is still no output to the speakers.

        I know I am close to figuring this one out


        alsamixergui - all the volumes are turned up

        Kmix - all volumes turned up

        Phonon - output devices, test tone works and music plays out of the speakers

        padavchooser - i can see the levels of the mic flashing up when i talk into it, looks like a clear signal but it is not outputting to the speakers

        why does there have to be so many ways of controlling the audio (-:

