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Force firefox to dump PDFs from remote machine?

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    Force firefox to dump PDFs from remote machine?

    I have a natty w. Maverick kde3 installation on a laptop from last week. As the display lamp is burned out, it uses an external monitor--which can only be detected if the at boot.

    When I came in yesterday morning, it was no longer talking to the monitor, and I don't see any shadowing, so it may not even be talking to it's own display. I can, however, get in by ssh.

    There is an open instance of firefox, with half a dozen PDFs open that I downloaded, intending to save in the morning (I need to log them; this is a good 15 minutes work).

    They are all open inside firefox, and the are no .pdf suffixes anywhere within the Cache hierarchy.

    Is here some type of kill or other signal that can be sent to firefox to force it to disgorge these pdfs?

    Noone else may have these opinions without paying my retainer

    Re: Force firefox to dump PDFs from remote machine?

    I have a natty w. Maverick kde3 installation
    this I do not understand

    What program is firefox using to open the pdf's? If you are using okular, the files may be found in /tmp. So whatever application you have set firefox to use for opening pdf files will determine where the temp files would be stored, not the browser's cache necessarily


      Re: Force firefox to dump PDFs from remote machine?

      Originally posted by claydoh
      I have a natty w. Maverick kde3 installation
      this I do not understand
      The installation is natty; the kde3/trinity remax is only up to maverick.

      What program is firefox using to open the pdf's? If you are using okular, the files may be found in /tmp. So whatever application you have set firefox to use for opening pdf files will determine where the temp files would be stored, not the browser's cache necessarily
      its using acroread.

      Now that I think of it, if I could kick firefox to offline mode, that would do it, too, as it caches things for restart.
      Noone else may have these opinions without paying my retainer


        Re: Force firefox to dump PDFs from remote machine?

        Acrobat reader may have the files in a /tmp folder, or possibly in a ~/.adobe foder or someplace. since it is an external application actually opening the files, I do doubt they will be in the browser's cache. I don't have acroread installed so i can't say where it downloads the files to, but /tmp, etc are good places to start.

