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How to Install Libre Office without tears (hopefully)

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    How to Install Libre Office without tears (hopefully)

    I use Linux Mint 10 KDE edition but this should work equally well for Kubuntu MM. I was rooting around for the easiest way to do it and I haven't found anything simpler so far.

    sudo apt-get remove openoffice*.* /Remove Open Office if installed

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa /Add Libre Office PPA
    sudo apt-get update /Update sources

    sudo apt-get install libreoffice /Install Libre Office

    Re: How to Install Libre Office without tears (hopefully)

    Only slightly simpler, but when you install libreoffice apt will remove openoffice so the first line isn't really necessary. It doesn't hurt anything, though
    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin


      Re: How to Install Libre Office without tears (hopefully)

      I agree Wizard but going way back to Xan... days, it was the instructions "from on high" to uninstall first.

      BTW, the method works PUUUFFEeectly! Got it going right now!



        Re: How to Install Libre Office without tears (hopefully)

        Originally posted by wizard10000
        Only slightly simpler, but when you install libreoffice apt will remove openoffice so the first line isn't really necessary. It doesn't hurt anything, though
        Nothing wrong with a belt and braces approach.


          Re: How to Install Libre Office without tears (hopefully)

          Thanks for the tip tomp01.
          Linux User #454271


            Re: How to Install Libre Office without tears (hopefully)

            Hi InHiway
            And welcome to a very friendly forum, although, unfortunately occupied by a few folks that are older 'n dirt! like MOI! but, anway....welcome!



              Re: How to Install Libre Office without tears (hopefully)

              Thanks for the welcome woodsmoke. I suppose it was about time I said something on this forum. I've been hanging around for awhile and I may not be older than dirt, but I'm not far off. lol
              Linux User #454271

