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entering SystemSettings / DesktopEffects kills kde

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    entering SystemSettings / DesktopEffects kills kde

    Whenever I start Kubuntu 10.10 x86_64, compositing is off, so I have to manually start it in System Settings. Today I was changing my themes and the "fine tuning" parts of my theme when suddenly KDE died in Kubuntu 10.10 x86_64. Now whenever I enter System Settings / Desktop Effects, KDE suddenly reboots - with no warning or messages. I have to re-login. Is there some way to troubleshoot this? I can open System Settings, but if I click on Desktop Effects - bam, blank screen and I have to re-login.
    EDIT: I had previously set the "fine tuning" (I think I remember that is what it was called) tab and set high resolution / low CPU - but not sure.

    EDIT2: Entering "Desktop Theme" also forced it to log off. Then I got a brainstorm and unplugged my HDMI second monitor. After doing that I am able to access Desktop Effects. And then I plugged my HDMI monitor back in and it seems OK.

    I did want to ask why 10.10 x64 always boots with desktop effects deactivated? I always have to manually enable them.


    Re: entering SystemSettings / DesktopEffects kills kde

    try compiz , but first check to see if you have installed your graphic card driver.
    also, have your system up-to-date, including at least kde 4.5.5
    For kde 4.5.5 add ppa:kubuntu-ppa
    Does one ever truly has a choice... ?


      Re: entering SystemSettings / DesktopEffects kills kde

      Thanks for the repo for KDE4.5.5 - but I don't know what "ppa:kubuntu-ppa" means. I still just find OOO 3.2 on my system (but 3.3 has been out for a while). I tried to research how to get 3.3OOO on my system but struck out. Then I realized I don't know how to get *any* updates that the updater tray applet doesn't offer me. How do we get the latest software if it isn't in the repos?


      EDIT: I found a bunch of "circular" links to 4.5.5 and OOO3.3 by googling these - but no authoritative sites that showed how to get them (into 10.10).


        Re: entering SystemSettings / DesktopEffects kills kde

        Hi Patti,
        Some of the terminology has changed such as "Add and Remove Software" is actually "Software Management". Basically you need to add >ppa:kubuntu-ppa< to software sources. Reload & then update your system.

        Kind regards,


          Re: entering SystemSettings / DesktopEffects kills kde

          Thank you - I thought I needed an http: style address, but Synaptic accepted the string you specified (sans the >< signs). Now I immediately get 168 updates in KPackageKit. Is there a way to undo these changes in the event of disaster?


            Re: entering SystemSettings / DesktopEffects kills kde

            This problem has suddenly reappeared. Entering System Settings / Desktop Effects kill KDE. I had added the repo you suggested, and appear to be running Compiz - and I'm not exactly sure how to find out what version of KDE I'm using...


