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Copy Amarok playlist to SD card

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    Copy Amarok playlist to SD card

    I would like to copy playlists created in Amarok to an SD card (for use with my Droid). The card is recognized by the system and shows up in Amarok. I can copy an artist/album to the SD using Amarok, but for some reason I cannot copy a playlist.

    What I've taken to doing is saving the playlist to file, then importing said playlist into Rhythmbox, and using RB to copy the playlist to the card. Amarok used to have this functionality until this latest release. Perhaps it's been moved and I'm just missing it?

    Anyone have any ideas?
    Registered Linux user #346571

    Re: Copy Amarok playlist to SD card

    When you save a playlist, it goes to Amarok's internal database by default. The trick is to export the playlist as an ".m3u" file via the Playlist > Export Playlist As... command. Copy the file to the Playlists folder on the SD card and you should be in business.

    One possible pitfall: The playlist file contains relative paths to the music files. If the folder structure of music files is different between your PC and your SD card, you might need to tweak the paths so Android can find them. Usually what I do is save the playlist in the root folder of my music collection on the PC. That way the paths in the generated playlist file are relative to the collection root and Android finds them just fine. Not sure if that's really required or not.


      Re: Copy Amarok playlist to SD card

      Thanks, Rob.
      Your work around would work great, I agree.

      I'll try to clarify my requests a little more.... I don't have an issue copying music or playlists to or from the SD card. What I want is the ability to copy an entire playlist, including the .m3u file, directly from Amarok. I can do this using Rhythmbox. Without this ability, I have to manually copy all of the files from the playlist to the device, then copy the edited (for path) m3u file as well. In RB, I can simply select the playlist and have it re-created on the card. It copies the files, adjusts the paths, and copies the m3u.
      Registered Linux user #346571


        Re: Copy Amarok playlist to SD card

        Ahh, I see now. Sorry, I don't know how to do that in Amarok. Maybe it was a script providing that functionality before...? A quick search for "playlist" in Get More Scripts turned up a few candidates that sound promising. If not, it doesn't seem like it would be hard to implement if you have any programming skills.


          Re: Copy Amarok playlist to SD card

          Excellent! Thanks for the suggestion. :-) I found a few scripts to copy the music, but not the actual playlist. It'll work for now, until I either find something better or script something myself.
          Registered Linux user #346571


            Re: Copy Amarok playlist to SD card

            Actually, this would be pretty useful to me, too, so I created a small Python script to do this. Attaching it here in case others want it. You run it from the command line so it will work regardless of what music player you use. Just rename it to get rid of the ".txt" extension, put it somewhere in your path, set the executable bit, and run it without arguments to get a help message. And since it uses rsync under the hood, it'll even work over SSH.

            Disclaimer: You shouldn't run random code you find on a forum without looking at it first. Fortunately, this script is small.
            Attached Files

