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Netbook desktop as activity?

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    Netbook desktop as activity?

    I'm looking for a way to set the netbook interface as an activity so I can switch back to a Folder View or something else if I want. Search and Launch is close, but in that one I don't get that top bar that auto hides (not sure what it's called) and I don't see a way to add it to the Search and Launch.

    Right now when I switch to the Netbook workspace or whatever it's called it also switches all of my activities to that.

    Re: Netbook desktop as activity?

    I think you have to have either desktop or netbook. However, there is nothing to stop you using search and launch as the environment for 1 of your virtual desktops.

    You will need within system settings (I think it's within the workspace bit but can't be sure - I'm typing from a windows box) to configure KDE to allow each workspace to have it's own widget set. Set p 1 of the desktops as search and launch.

    The bar at the top is pretty much the same as a panel so it's a straightforward unlock widgets/add widget/ panel, and then whilst widgets remain unlocked configure the panel, inserting the things you need. Alternatively you should by default already have a panel at the bottom of the screen - with the widgets unlocked drag it to the top and then configure it.

    Then right click on the panel and select panel setting/panel options. You will see a "more settings" option. One of these is auto-hide. It's not exactly the same but might be close enough for you.


