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KDE 4.6 new impressions

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    KDE 4.6 new impressions

    Smoother, faster, no problems I have met during update. Good.

    Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

    Just got done updating, and everything is fine here except the gtk apps theme. I even deleted .kde dir, and .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 with no change. I suspect it has something to do with an old config file somewhere because they mucked with the gtk theme integration. I've tried using qtcurve and oxygen-molecule.
    Klaatu Barada Nikto


      Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

      I like it so far. Had one plasma crash, but overall impression is good.


        Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

        Just got done updating, and breakage everywhere. All my python plasmoids are broken, and kwin is locking up periodically. Aw well, it's an adventure.
        Dell Optiplex 580<br />Kubuntu 10.10 + backports


          Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

          Spoke too soon. The printer module is broken, and the screensaver goes black after a few minutes. I think I'm going to roll it back and play with it in vmware for a while.
          Klaatu Barada Nikto


            Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

            The only problem I've had was with Plasma Workspace crashing whenever I logged out, but after starting with an empty session that seems to have stopped. The new notifications look nice. Composite Kwin is finally usable, though I have to use the Xrender option which disables the blur effect.


              Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

              Originally posted by molostoff
              Smoother, faster, no problems I have met during update. Good.
              Smoother, faster appears to be the case here, also.

              Immediately after upgrade, everything was seemingly okay, but then noted I had no Amarok and Muon seemed broken. Additionally I had no wi-fi. Tried to do the Ctrl-Alt-BS to relog into KDE, but that froze.

              Rebooted with wired connection. Used KPackageKit to reinstall KNetworkManager, Amarok, and Muon. Rebooted in wi-fi, and everything seems okay now - just MUCH crisper and zippier!

              Wow: KDE SC 4.6 and LibreOffice 3.3 in a two day span. Life is good!
              Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.


                Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                When I upgraded, I figured it would be better to start with an empty .kde dir. Once I replaced it with the old one from 4.5, everything works fine. The gtk apps even themed correctly. That is weird. After reinstalling "printer-applet" from 4.5, the kcm printer module works again. No problems here now.
                Klaatu Barada Nikto


                  Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                  Originally posted by Rigmarole
                  The only problem I've had was with Plasma Workspace crashing whenever I logged out, but after starting with an empty session that seems to have stopped.
                  That's been my experience as well, so thanks for the "empty session" tip.

                  For anybody else, go to System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Session Management, then under On Login select "Start with an empty session". Logout and then log back in, and you should be able to set it back to "Restore previous session". Remember to restart your persistent apps like Amarok or Ktorrent.

                  Other than that, I'm really liking 4.6. Noticeably faster and smoother than 4.5.x.


                    Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                    Originally posted by lykwydchykyn
                    Just got done updating, and breakage everywhere. All my python plasmoids are broken, and kwin is locking up periodically. Aw well, it's an adventure.
                    I got the plasmoid issue (the gmail plasmoid to be precise).

                    The kde upgrade seems to have been released in 3 tranches. An update to python-kde4 did not appear to arrive until the 2nd tranche. Some of us (myself included) were too eager methinks! So do another sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and my thoughts are the plasmoids will return to their former glory.

                    I've had a couple of crashes on shutdown and one or 2 video oddities. When I get back I'll try the "empty session" remedy referred to elsewher in this thread and I suggest you do too.


                      Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                      I've got a small kdm glitch but only on the 64-bit machine. Think I have a solution but have to be home to test it. I spent some time talking to myself in the thread here -


                      we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                      -- anais nin


                        Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                        Originally posted by 67GTA
                        Spoke too soon. The printer module is broken, and the screensaver goes black after a few minutes. I think I'm going to roll it back and play with it in vmware for a while.
                        today Ive got 'catching up' last part of updates, printer module now working again.


                          Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                          Originally posted by Mountain Man
                          That's been my experience as well, so thanks for the "empty session" tip.
                          Well, apparently the "empty session" trick didn't actually solve my problem. When I started with an empty session and immediately logged out, all was fine. But after logging back in and restarting my persistent programs (Amarok and kTorrent), the crash-on-logout was back, so there's apparently something in those two programs that 4.6 doesn't like, which is entirely possible since those are updated asynchronously with KDE. Now to figure out which is the misbehaving program.


                            Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                            Everything working fine and dandy here Waiting for the 4.6 PIM suite...
                            Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                              Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                              Toad, on the PIM, do you know whether it properly supports google calendar yet, as I'm still using t'bird?


