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KDE 4.6 new impressions

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    Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

    Sorry, I have no idea having just recently switched to Thunderbird 'cos of its tagging ability for RSS feeds...

    However, the PIM suite is supposed to come up to scratch with the next minor release so fingers crossed.
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

      I've noticed it's snappier..especially booting up and loading amarok, but i'm having graphics issues with kwin 'wobbly windows' it leaves trails across the screen. drop down menus can also lag when being rendered (or just appear invisible until the mose passes over them), links remain highlighted even when the mouse is no longer above them and web pages don't appear visible until i scroll down just small stuff like that. :+/

      just to add this is the 64bit version of KDE 4.6 and i'm running kwin on an integrated intel based GMA. however eveything DID work on 4.5

      using Xrender for now seems to fix the problem. can't wait for Natty


        Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

        Originally posted by toad
        Sorry, I have no idea having just recently switched to Thunderbird 'cos of its tagging ability for RSS feeds...

        However, the PIM suite is supposed to come up to scratch with the next minor release so fingers crossed.
        Thanks I'll keep a lookout for it


          Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

          Initially, kde refused to start because I didn't have a theme called ethais. I needed to install a wallpapers package (from a console). So a dependency is wrong, I think.
          Then, the default session "kde" no longer exists so the default login went to gnome. So back to login and change the session to kde plasma desktop (from memory). That's a bit ugly.
          Next, system settings requires authentication are still crashing (eg login manager screen). kde bugs is full of dups, the recent ones all seem to be from kubuntu. This started happening to me with a recent 4.5.x version. Very disappointed its still broken. Something wrong with kubuntu I think. Such an error would not have been in kde released software. How do I get help with this? A post on these forums was not answered, and the gazillion bug reports with kde are being ignored by kde as far as I can tell.

          Also, getting font corruption in firefox search box and awesome bar.

          So I'm not very impressed. I have Ubuntu on my son's laptop because I hoped it would be nice and easy. I'm too optimistic ... Vanilla 10.10 kubuntu is good but the backports repository appears to be unsupported and poorly tested (my impression anyway) ... KDE 4.6 looks nice though.


            Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

            Tim, have you got the package "kubuntu-desktop" installed?


              Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

              I've upgraded my maverick installation to KDE 4.6 yesterday, without having any serious problem. It's pretty impressive that KDE is getting snappy and responsive with every new release. Also, as in Ubuntu with Unity, I believe that the new "Search and Launch" interface mainly developed for small mobile devices should be the KDE desktop's future. I really love it. It is getting better and I find it a very useful Desktop replacement (not the plasma-netbook, but the plasma-desktop with search and launch desktop).


                Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                I updated last night and this morning could not log in to the desktop.
                After a bit of screwing around I logged in to a terminal session and did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.
                I rebooted and now I have no login page, it went straight to a terminal login.
                However a startx got the desktop up. Am now installing the kde artwork to see if that fixes the rest.
                Yawp doesn't work either, won't install the data engines. I can wait for that I guess.

                Initial impression is good.
                This would be the second time that I have had to install the desktop after an upgrade, but not for a while.
                Could be a bit traumatic for a newish user.
                You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


                  Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                  Originally posted by The Liquidator
                  Tim, have you got the package "kubuntu-desktop" installed?
                  Hi Liquidator, yes that package is installed. Is no one else here having the problems with system settings requiring authentication (such as login manager)?


                    Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                    Are any of you experiencing problems with logging in going straight to the kde desktop, i.e. bypassing the kdm login screen?
                    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                      Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                      My problem was an endless loop, login at login screen, try and fail, return to login screen.

                      I just checked the default session in the session type and it fixed it.

                      Woohoo! Upgrade, reinstall desktop and artwork, cry about yawp, tick default session on login screen, 1.5 hours later all is good.
                      You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


                        Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                        Originally posted by timrichardson
                        Originally posted by The Liquidator
                        Tim, have you got the package "kubuntu-desktop" installed?
                        Hi Liquidator, yes that package is installed. Is no one else here having the problems with system settings requiring authentication (such as login manager)?
                        Quoting myself ...
                        I had two repositories installed. I have this:
                        and I also have this:

                        I wonder if this is causing me problems. Both repositories are there because at times there were both places to find kde updates for 10.10. I have disabled the first one now.


                          Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                          I can't see that being an issue myself - I have them both on my system.

                          There are a couple of things that you could first try in a terminal:

                          sudo dpkg --configure -a
                          This will finish off the install (if any packages didn't install properly in the first place)


                          sudo apt-get update
                          sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
                          I am aware that the upgrade packages came in 3 lots so if you've not got all 3 there might be issues that you need to rule out first.


                            Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                            Originally posted by toad
                            Are any of you experiencing problems with logging in going straight to the kde desktop, i.e. bypassing the kdm login screen?
                            No, but I have autologin enabled. I did have some kdm weirdness that I mentioned above - but if it's bypassing the login screen then maybe it'd be a good idea to look in systemsettings and see if autologin isn't enabled.
                            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                            -- anais nin


                              Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                              @ wizard10000

                              Well, I'm not sure whether it is relevant in Kubuntu, hence my tentative prod, but in Arch the session has actually changed its name from kde to kde-plasmasession or some such - and kdm throws up over that. So you could try disabling autologin, log out, manually change your session, login again and re-enable autologin. Hopefully it'll work next time.

                              But while writing this I reckon that the Kubuntu-devs have taken care of that already...
                              Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                                Re: KDE 4.6 new impressions

                                Originally posted by The Liquidator
                                The kde upgrade seems to have been released in 3 tranches. An update to python-kde4 did not appear to arrive until the 2nd tranche. Some of us (myself included) were too eager methinks! So do another sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and my thoughts are the plasmoids will return to their former glory.

                                I've had a couple of crashes on shutdown and one or 2 video oddities. When I get back I'll try the "empty session" remedy referred to elsewher in this thread and I suggest you do too.
                                Yeah, subsequent updates seemed to have fixed most of my issues. Right now my biggest two problems are that kwin is locking up on certain effects (most irratingly, the cube), and nepomuk goes into a crash-loop every time I try to run it (which stinks, because without it the new dolphin features don't work).
                                Dell Optiplex 580<br />Kubuntu 10.10 + backports

