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Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

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    Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

    When I try to get to 'settings' in the vm box window the app crashes every time. No error messages, it simply just closes. If I click 'start' then it opens the vm box fine and loads my virtual OS of winblows. (I have to use it for one app - excel)

    This is a new install of both maverick and the updated oracle vm box. I have also installed the extension pack and the guest additions, but I need to activate the USB 2.0 controller from settings before USB devices can be selected and accessed.

    This does not happen in Ubuntu which I also run. But right now I want to try the KDE flavour and really try to decide which I prefer.

    Any ideas?

    Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

    Which Virtualbox did you install -- from the repos, or from here:


      Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

      Not from repos or the wiki page, I went direct to the Oracle download pages as below. (note I am running 64bit )


        Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

        That is the same version I have, also 64-bit.

        When you install it, it creates a "vboxusers" group. You have to add yourself, using "usermod". Did you do that?


          Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

          Umm - looking in the user management gui I think I am, but it is a little different from the user management under gnome -- can you tell me how to double check that via the command line?


            Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

            Just type: groups
            It will report all the groups your user belongs to.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

              Thanks, I am not a member of the vboxusers group. It is group id 121 how do I use 'usermod' to add myself to the group?


                Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

                OK Added myself to the group using
                sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers douglas
                and checked and I am now in the group. However the problem remains. Clicking 'settings' in the vm window' crashes it, and when I start it and go to 'usb devices' from the top menu I can see the various choices all greyed out. So I can't access my USB Stick.

                Where to now?


                  Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

                  I had that problem, and started over. Installed Vbox, set myself as a member of vboxusers, then installed extensions and guest additions, then Win7 as a VM. Doing it in that sequence, it worked.


                    Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

                    I wil try that and see what happens. back soon


                      Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

                      sorry I don't have any thing to suggest...........but I noticed wile reading this that I'm NOT in vboxusers nor is that a group on my system?

                      and Vbox seams to work just fine.

                      now I'm using the Virtualbox-OSE from the repos so that may be the difference but I'd like to know witch is better and why and how I should go about getting a good one if I don't have a good one

                      Kubuntu-10.04 KDE-4.5.3 kernel-2.6.32-27-generic x86


                      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                      16GB RAM
                      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                        Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

                        Did all that and same same. 1 improvement - if I use ctr+s the settings window opens. However in the USB section it shows that USB 2.0 is active. I even added my usb device into the filter list sepcifically, but still no joy.

                        I can't select any usb device once xp opens.


                          Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

                          vinnywright I am not any expert in this but I believe that the only difference is that the Oracle one supports USB whilst the repo's version appears not to.

                          Having said that I am having trouble getting my USB support going. I run the Oracle version on my 10.04 Ubuntu setup under gnome and everything works fine. It just seems to be having a problem with 10.10 under KDE.


                            Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

                            yes I dont get eney USB love hear .....nor will win7 give me any areo ? aireo? window effect's ....... think the Oracle one would ?

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              Re: Oracle VM Virtual Box crashes

                              Possibly - although I don't bother with any of the windows stuff, I only use it because Calc alters some of the fonts and cell settings in an excel spreadsheet, so If I have a work one, then when I save it back as an xls and open it at work their are changes which is an absolute pain.

