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Transfer settings and bookmarks rekonq

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    Transfer settings and bookmarks rekonq


    Please would someone tell me how I transfer my rekonq settings from one machine to another.
    Is there a user profile like Firefox, perhaps? Can't find it if so.
    Or even just my bookmarks.
    Maybe its me, but it seems odd that you can export bookmarks for mozilla or IE, but not Rekonq.
    You can export html bookmarks, but, bizarrely, not import them.

    Fantastic programme all-in-all though but!

    Conflict is sleep. Peace is awakening.

    Re: Transfer settings and bookmarks rekonq

    I can't answer most of your questions, but I have a relevant idea. I have a huge amount of bookmarks and what I do is export them to an html file. To use them I keep that page open in a separate window (you could use tab) and right click open in new window to use. It works way better than clicking on bookmarks which is quite a limited facility. In fact I can't imagine anything being more practical. Anyway, just an idea.


      Re: Transfer settings and bookmarks rekonq

      Thanks, Ole Juul,
      for your very reasonable suggestion.
      I had done exactly that.

      But i have just found that if I go to /.kde/share/apps/konqueror/ that the bookmarks here are rekonq bookmarks and can be imported into another instance of rekonq maintaining the same folder structure etc.

      Conflict is sleep. Peace is awakening.

