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Kopete Messenger

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    Kopete Messenger

    Hi: I noticed that the box in the message composing window of Kopete where you type your message to your chat buddy, is very can only see one typed line at a time...Is there a simple way to make it larger, so that you will see more then one line that you are typing before you send your message (more like it is in pidgin, which has a much larger "message typing" box.)....


    Re: Kopete Messenger

    What Desktop Theme are you using? Try changing to another and see if things improve.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Kopete Messenger

      Using the default do you change it, Snowhog?
      And any particular ones you recommend? Can you make it look like Pidgin, for example?


        Re: Kopete Messenger

        Is your 10.10 Maverick Meerkat a fresh install or an upgrade from an earlier version of Kubuntu (and if it is, what version did you upgrade from)? What version of KDE are you using (with Koptete running, click on Help > About KDE)?
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Kopete Messenger (Solved)

          I have a fresh install of Kubuntu 10.10....what i did do is change it to one of the themes that are already on Kopete (there is an option to download additional themes) i switched to "pidgin" and hit "apply"...when i opened again it looks about the same..except the Kopete face avatar is gone (actually it looks better that

          I did try something that helped though...i simply expanded the length of the chat window...this made the sent message area MUCH LARGER and the "typing message" box 2 lines long instead of the normal 1, that IS much better...It doesn't seem to get any larger then 2 lines at a time for typing, as far as i can tell...

          Unless you have any other least this is much better then before (no Kopete Avatar and 2 lines for typing instead of

          Edit:'s ok now, Snowhog...what i did was expand it even more in the length (more like pidgin normally is) and then i have 3 typing lines just like on Pidgin...and by switching to "pidgin" theme in Kopete...the compose window looks more like pidgin and no Kopete avatar which i would rather not have anyway...

          Now i almost feel like i am on Pidgin when on Kopete Thanks anyway though...your help is always appreciated


            Re: Kopete Messenger

            using the default theme etc. I can report the same behaviour, one line.

            HOWEVER....simply "pulling" the app to where it is way long provides a larger entry field.


              Re: Kopete Messenger

              Thanks, woodsmoke...yep...pulling the chat window longer adds more line space to both the box where you type and the box that shows the sent message...I was easily able to get the 3 typing lines i desired...

              The only real change i noticed by switching the theme to "pidgin" (in preferences) is the elimination of the kopete avatar with each sent message...but i like it better that way anyhow, so i left it like that...

