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Mouse pointer sticking and bad choppy video

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    Mouse pointer sticking and bad choppy video

    I have been using 10.10 since beta with no issues, but 2 days ago my online video went all choppy and my mouse pointer started not responding for seconds at a time. It is like I am using an old 486.

    I am running a Pentium dual core with integrated nvidea graphics and 2 gigs of ram. No power house but more than enough to watch TV on.

    I added a system monitor widget, but could not find anything sucking up a ton of resources.
    I reinstalled Adobe Trash and the nvidia driver with no change.

    Since it is affecting video and mouse functionality, I am thinking it may have something to do with X.

    Anyone have any suggestions on what I could try next?

    I am going to put in a live CD when I get home and see if it may actually be a hardware failure.

    Thanks for any ideas.