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Installing Songbird 1.8.0 (Solved)

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    Installing Songbird 1.8.0 (Solved)

    We all know that Songbird has stopped support for linux.yet there are contributer in songbird community who has contributed the builds for songbird. ref:

    Its been more than a year i have taken plunge into kubuntu.yet i dont know what to do with .tar.gz files. how do i install them. i read few posts on KFN and there was one good thread:
    i dont want to screw up with my working system. so i have come to KFN for your guidance

    Here is what i have done till now:
    1. downloaded the Songbird source tarball file from the songbirdnest. i was confused which one to download, the source tarball or Generic Linux 64-bit. downloaded both files. but file is present only in source tarball
    2. installed subversion subversion g++ g++-4.5 libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libgtk2.0-dev as prerequisite
    3. extracted source tarball to ~/sbird/
    4. cd sbird
    5. make -f
    following is the output
    svn: '/home/kapil/sbird' is not a working copy
    svn: '/home/kapil/sbird' is not a working copy
    Songbird Build System
    cd /home/kapil/sbird && \
      autoconf && \
      rm -f -r /home/kapil/sbird/autom4te.cache/ 
    svn up /home/kapil/sbird/dependencies/vendor/mozbrowser
    Skipped '/home/kapil/sbird/dependencies/vendor/mozbrowser'
    checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... no
    svn up /home/kapil/sbird/dependencies/vendor/mozjshttpd
    Skipped '/home/kapil/sbird/dependencies/vendor/mozjshttpd'
    mkdir -p /home/kapil/sbird/compiled /home/kapil/sbird/compiled/dist
    cd /home/kapil/sbird/compiled && \
    checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    checking for gcc... gcc
    checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... no
    checking for dbus-glib-1... Package dbus-glib-1 was not found in the pkg-config search path. 
    Perhaps you should add the directory containing `dbus-glib-1.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable 
    No package 'dbus-glib-1' found
    configure: error: Library requirements (dbus-glib-1) not met; 
    consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable 
    if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.
    make: *** [/home/kapil/sbird/compiled/config.status] Error 1
    no idea how to proceed...
    asus A52N
    Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
    AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
    windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)

    Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

    typically the first command you would use when compiling a tarball from source would be

    or maybe

    Followed by

    and finally

    make install
    Registered Linux user #346571


      Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

      thanks jeremy1701
      ./configuration it is.
      gives same error.pkg config path..
      asus A52N
      Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
      AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
      windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


        Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

        sudo apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-dev
        Or search for libdub-glib-1 in your repo and install it from there.
        Registered Linux user #346571


          Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

          silly me..
          i could have read the error properly.
          @jeremy1701: thanks.i installed libdbus-glib-1-dev
          and make command went ahead.
          but again stuck at "hal"
          checking for hal... Package hal was not found in the pkg-config search path.
          i tried to install hal, but it was already in its newest version.
          asus A52N
          Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
          AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
          windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


            Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

            Search your repo for a hal-dev package and install that, most likely something like libhal-dev.
            Registered Linux user #346571


              Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0


              Now, as per the wiki, i have to download the dependencies. ref:
              unfortunately 64bit is not working..
              lets see if 32bit thing works.

              P.S. I am definitely going to make HowTo of this songbird installation
              asus A52N
              Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
              AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
              windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


                Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

                Hi Kapil,
                There are directions on the link provided in the error for how to d/l the dependencies your missing.


                %~/sbird/: cd trunk/dependencies
                %~/sbird/trunk/dependencies: svn co [url][/url]
                Registered Linux user #346571


                  Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

                  hmm..going through it.
                  there is one variation though.
                  for me the dependencies folder is in "sbird" folder where i extracted the complete package.

                  now i got what they were trying to tell. first to get the source file into sbird folder.
                  extract it to trunk folder.

                  why don't they write it so that even normal user can do things easily in linux..

                  lets see what happence now...
                  asus A52N
                  Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
                  AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
                  windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


                    Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

                    today i again followed all the steps mentioned on songbirdnest to build and use songbird.
                    not working.
                    formed exact folder structure. extracted the file into trunk folder under sbird folder.
                    downloaded vendor dependencies using svn as suggested.
                    that folder has file along with other folders.

                    again used make file to build songbird. no success.
                    asus A52N
                    Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
                    AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
                    windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


                      Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

                      hi kapil, did run ./configure after you d/l'ed the dependencies?
                      Registered Linux user #346571


                        Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

                        Since you're using *buntu, you could pay a visit to and you'll find a deb package (v 1.8.0) for *buntu.
                        Multibooting: Kubuntu Noble 24.04
                        Before: Jammy 22.04, Focal 20.04, Precise 12.04 Xenial 16.04 and Bionic 18.04
                        Win XP, 7 & 10 sadly
                        Using Linux since June, 2008


                          Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

                          Originally posted by kyonides
                          Since you're using *buntu, you could pay a visit to and you'll find a deb package (v 1.8.0) for *buntu.
                          Wow! This is a great site!! Ty for the linkage.
                          Registered Linux user #346571


                            Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0

                            well well well.. it turns out the problem was with 64bit OS.
                            the songbird dependencies folder has packages only for 32bit and not for 64bit. that's why the process was giving errors.

                            @kyonides: i went to that site.. in fact that was the first site i went after i found that the packages are not available through official ppa. but when i clicked on used to update the repository.. and thats it. it could not install the songbird.

                            Then, i wiped out my secondary OS the linuxmint 64bit and installed mint 32 bit..and voila!!! turns out the deb package installed from
                            it was as easy as 1-2-3

                            Long story short. i am marking this thread as solved.
                            Songbird can be installed on 32-bit OS by downloading from GetDeb. Those (like me) using 64 bit can happily use amarok/xbmc etc.
                            asus A52N
                            Dual boot: Kubuntu 11.10 64bit, Ubuntu 11.10 64bit
                            AMD Athlon II 64 X2 | 4 GB DDR3 RAM | ATI Radeon HD 4200
                            windoze free since 2009 12 16 (Vijay din= Victory day)


                              Re: Installing Songbird 1.8.0 (Solved)

                              I can't get to work, what now?

