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KDE SC 4.5.4

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    Re: KDE SC 4.5.4

    I used kubuntu-ppa/beta on a maveric test machine. commenting out kubuntu-ppa/beta did not help :P
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: KDE SC 4.5.4

      Originally posted by Fintan
      I used kubuntu-ppa/beta on a maveric test machine. commenting out kubuntu-ppa/beta did not help :P
      Have you tried 'ppa-purge' (should be available in the maverick repos)

      it's man page should give you instructions on how to use, probably something like:
      sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta


        Re: KDE SC 4.5.4

        Hi Kubicle,
        yes I tried that.


        I went ahead and did:
        sudo do-release-upgrade -d
        and that gave me a gdkPixbuf error which effectively locked my screen.

        Oh, well I'll just reinstall a test maveric and try again
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: KDE SC 4.5.4

          Originally posted by Fintan
          Oh, well I'll just reinstall a test maveric and try again
          If you wish to try out KDE 4.6 beta and have a spare test-bed, I'd recommend installing Natty instead of Maverick. IME, the devel version packages (for KDE pre-releases) generally have less issues (and quicker fixes) than ppa-packages backported to a stable release.


            Re: KDE SC 4.5.4

            Originally posted by M@GO LoBEL
            Originally posted by Jonas
            Same here ...hmm .. I just reinstalled the system and KDE 4.5.4 but the updater inform me of a upgrade that will remove 8 packages - among them kubuntu-desstop - this cannot be "as intended" can it?


            After the upgrade, you MUST reinstall kubuntu-desktop, or you will not get to the graphical interface.
            Ah ok this is not "as intended" then, I don't see how it fits with "making your PC friendly". This should be a stable release - 4.5.4 is not a */beta package. I'm starting to be slightly annoyed with this. I reinstalled my system after a no good plasma crash - saved it with removing .kde folder, saved my files and reinstalled. Oh yea, the installer crashed/froze at 77 % - nothing new under the sun
            Don't get me wrong ... still prefer KDE over gnome, but stop calling it "friendly" (...and sorry for this rant)

            Edit; stable i mean "not beta" /prerelease testing ... and i should post bugs rather then rant :S
            ASUS M4A87TD | AMD Ph II x6 | 12 GB ram | MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti (448 Cuda cores)
            Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.9.x (x86_64) - Debian "Squeeze" KDE 4.(5x) (x86_64)
            Acer TimelineX 4820 TG | intel i3 | 4 GB ram| ATI Radeon HD 5600
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            - Officially free from windoze since 11 dec 2009
            >>>>>>>>>>>> Support KFN <<<<<<<<<<<<<


              Re: KDE SC 4.5.4

              Originally posted by M@GO LoBEL
              Anybody tried it? Here this upgrade looks ugly:

              Os pacotes a seguir serão REMOVIDOS(removed):
              kdebase-workspace kdebase-workspace-bin kubuntu-desktop
              plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-desktop plasma-netbook
              plasma-widgets-addons plasma-widgets-workspace
              I've been bitten by upgrades which remove critical items, worrying as this seems to be happening more often, seems that something is going wrong with the package manager process for upgrades.

              It happened to me yesterday after a clean netbook install, I use Synaptic and it wanted to remove all the packages you listed.

              However when I used aptitude to run the upgrade it only wanted to remove on package - libweather-ion5.

              If you haven't got aptitude:
              sudo apt-get install aptitude

              sudo aptitude update
              sudo aptitude dist-upgrade

              If you've already lost your desktop you might also need:
              sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop
              Kubuntu 20.04(AMD64)/KDE 5

