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Open Office and some other icons

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    Open Office and some other icons

    This problem existed to some extent in 10.04. I did a clean install to 10.10 and it now seems a little worse. The icons and widgets in open office, including slider bars, get garbage in them after doing a few things in a new launch of the program. Also, icons such as Skype, Amarok, and Digikam when in the tool bar get garbage. Almost like a grid of lines has been placed over them. I looked for a solution in Kubuntu and Linux Questions and couldn't find one. TIA
    An old mainframer trying to get modern in his retirement.

    Re: Open Office and some other icons

    I'll speculate that it is related to your particular video chip model and driver, memory available for the GPU, and/or memory sharing with your main memory.

    If, in OOO, you open Tools > Options > Memory, you have some levers on the graphics cache and the per object memory settings. Maybe if you twiddle some of those setting up, you will be able to see which ones have some effect (I hope).


      Re: Open Office and some other icons

      I'd agree with dibble, and add in your total memory and cache it is a complex relationship between the application, the OS and the hardware.


        Re: Open Office and some other icons

        OK - time to admit that I blew it - I have an nVidia G94 9600GS with 750Mb of memory. However, when I installed 10.04 on it, and then 10.10, I didn't check if the nVidia drivers got installed properly. I am now at nVidia 210.19.06 and I think that will clear everything up. I'll monitor for a day or so and report back.
        An old mainframer trying to get modern in his retirement.

