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Progress bar on disk check?

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    Progress bar on disk check?

    What happened to the progress report when the system is checking the hard drive for errors during bootup? Lucid displayed a "percent complete" message that gave me an idea of how long it would take. Maverick just shows a very unfinished-looking screen and expects me to wait and wonder.
    I am relatively new to Linux, but quite experienced with DOS and Windows.&nbsp; I&#39;m comfortable editing things like fstab, etc., but I need specific instructions of what files to edit and what to add.<br /><br />My system is Kubuntu 10.10, using KDE 4.5.1.

    Re: Progress bar on disk check?

    Trying with the 10.10:

    cd /
    sudo touch /forcefsck
    boot ... and the plymouth screen is having the check information.

    [img width=400 height=312][/img]

    ...a very unfinished-looking screen...
    What kind of system do you have, GPU/drivers/new installation or upgraded from the 10.04 ?
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Progress bar on disk check?

      I have no idea how to get a screenshot of what I'm seeing, but it doesn't look like that. It's a flat light blue color, with low resolution font. It has the line saying "Your disk drives are being checked for errors...," but the next line "Checking disk 1 of 2 (xx% complete)" no longer appears, as it did with 10.04.

      What kind of system do you have, GPU/drivers/new installation or upgraded from the 10.04 ?
      It's a P4 hyperthreaded with an nVidia 7600 GS video card made by XFX. nVidia driver version 260.19.06.
      I am relatively new to Linux, but quite experienced with DOS and Windows.&nbsp; I&#39;m comfortable editing things like fstab, etc., but I need specific instructions of what files to edit and what to add.<br /><br />My system is Kubuntu 10.10, using KDE 4.5.1.


        Re: Progress bar on disk check?

        ...It's a flat light blue color, with low resolution font...
        Hmm - maybe it is the fallback mode, 16 color, 320x200 (or is it 640x480 ?). nVidia 7600 GS video card made by XFX. nVidia driver version 260.19.06...
        The Plymouth readme is telling:

        High-color graphics on nVidia, ATI and other cards

        Our default configuration uses low-color graphics on cards or drivers
        for which "Kernel Mode Setting" (in-kernel graphics drivers) are not

        This is because the driver that permits high-color graphics tends to
        cause issues with suspend and resume, and we opted to prefer that

        For nVidia and ATI users, the default "nouveau" and "radeon"
        drivers are Kernel Mode Setting enabled, but do not always
        provide 3D capability at the current time. By switching to
        using the restricted/non-free nvidia-glx or fglrx drivers,
        you will gain 3D capability at the loss of a high-color
        splash screen.

        You can however chose to enable high-color (and resolution) console
        if you find it doesn't affect suspend/resume for you, or you don't
        use that feature.

        There are various methods of doing this, the most robust is the
        following four steps:

        Append video=vesafb to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in
        sudo update-grub

        echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
        sudo update-initramfs -u

        I have no idea how to get a screenshot...
        I did use the cell phone camera.

        More / earlier:

        > Few Plymouth links
        > Topic: Capturing the images of the ksplash & kdm & ksplash again (or the Plymouth)
        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information

