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    [SOLVED] Wine

    What can i just say...? It simply wont create it's .wine/dosdevices/c: folder after instalation, therefor I can't browse c:/ folder.
    Creating path myself does not solve a thing...
    Any ideas/suggestions please?
    I also had this problem with 10.04 version.

    P.S.: wine regsetup also unavailable.

    More data about my machine : Lenovo g550, dual core intel 2.0 GHz , Intel GMA4500, Broadcom WiFi (802.11b/g), 10/100 Ethernet, Modem, 4 GB ram DDR3 (so I use the x64 version of Kubuntu). It was also a clean install , new partitions and everything.

    Thank you for your time
    Does one ever truly has a choice... ?

    Re: Wine


    I am a little confused. What exactly do you want to browse?

    After installing wine on its own there is absolutely nothing to look at as such - only after having installed stuff using wine. Just looking at/sharing your windows partition that is quite a different matter.

    So, just a little bit more info would be great
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: Wine

      Did you try running
      wine winecfg
      and going to the Drives tab


        Re: Wine

        winecfg and wine regsetup are diferent options. winecfg is related to configuring wine regarding sound , graphics and the rest of tabs available by selecting Configure wine under Wine in start menu.
        wine regsetup on the other hand regards registry settings of individual programs installed under wine (for example the rezolution of Warcraft 3 --> although it only supports maximum 1024x768, going to it's registry settings I can modify the rezolution to 1366x768 and so the game will be forced to run this way. It is better to do that than stretching the 1024x768 over my entire desktop, because first way it does not looses the texture quality as in stretching)

        And yes, I want to browse c: after i installed programs with wine, why else ? It has nothing to do with sharing partitions, it is only a issue of not creating it's virtual c:/ and that means it does not create .wine/dosdevices/c: folder when installing. And this happens only in Kubuntu it worked flawlessly, in LinuxMint9KDE.

        Don't get me wrong, Kubuntu 10.10 is the only LinuxOS KDE that worked out-of-the-box with 0 errors, 0 compatibility issues, all laptop features available (such as brightness, sound, media player control and the rest are accessible from keyboard Fn+KEY combination), customize without crashes or errors after updates... It is No.1 from my point of view.

        Hope to see more ideas. Thank you for those you already shared!
        Does one ever truly has a choice... ?


          Re: Wine

          And yes, I want to browse c: after i installed programs with wine, why else ?
          Ok, thanks for clearing that up - I obviously forgot to put on my mind reading cap

          What you get in ~/.wine/dosdevices are merely links - the real wine C drive is located in ~/.wine/drive_c

          winecfg has the "Drives" tab. I take it you have gone through the autodetection process? If not you should do so and a link (or more) will get created in ~/.wine/dosdevices/
          Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


            Re: Wine

            Don't get me wrong toad, I appreciate your help and I was not ironic in any way in my answer, neither had the intention of being rude. I tell you this since I felt a little malice in your answer.

            I have actually found out (or so I think) what the problem is :
            Browse drive c: sends me to .wine/dosdevices/c: ... wich does not exist BUT I dont really need it since I found out (thanks to toad) that drive c: is actually in drive_c folder under .wine

            Next question... how do I set from the menu to take me to drive_c folder and not to c: folder ? It has to be something about the command but I am new to Linux so I fail to get the job done...

            Does one ever truly has a choice... ?


              Re: Wine

              I've searched the web and VOILA!

              right click the Application Launcher Menu --> Menu Editor --> go to Wine --> Browse C: Drive

              On the right side of the window there will be a row named Command and in the case beside it it must be xdg-open ~/.wine/dosdevices/c: command

              In my case it was missing the ~/ from the beginning of the command. That way it was trying to open /home/user/documents/.wine/dosdevices/c: and that doesn't exist. With the ~/ at the begging it does not go to Documents any more so all is fine.

              And that just made Kubuntu a 0 bad things KDE Linux for me

              p.s. : I'm a total noob --> I said in a post earlier that i can't open wine regsetup ... I was actually looking for wine regedit ... which i found just now as i'm typing... yeah.... total noob...
              Does one ever truly has a choice... ?


                Re: [SOLVED] Wine

                Coolio! Thanks for telling us how got it sorted AND for marking it as solved

                As for malice - no, a little cynicism perhaps, but no malice
                Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ

