I have network share which is listed in fstab as
File fstab is owned by root, as it should be (I believe).
Folder /fnd, when not mounted, is owned by user darkduck.
But once mounted this folder is owned by root.
Hence, I cannot edit, delete, move files within this folder, unless I do something like kdesudo dolphin or sudo mc.
I tried to mount adding uid=1000,gid=1000 parameters. This allows me to create files, but not edit or delete them afterwards.
Folder itself is on the external network drive with hardware built-in samba. There is no user/password configuration for access on drive side.
Actually I was able to work normally with this folder until recent. But then situation changed, I don't know why and when.
Same situation for (K)ubuntu 10.10 and Debian 6.0.
//fnd/public /fnd cifs noserverino,guest,nolinux,iocharset=utf8,rw 0 0
Folder /fnd, when not mounted, is owned by user darkduck.
But once mounted this folder is owned by root.
Hence, I cannot edit, delete, move files within this folder, unless I do something like kdesudo dolphin or sudo mc.
I tried to mount adding uid=1000,gid=1000 parameters. This allows me to create files, but not edit or delete them afterwards.
Folder itself is on the external network drive with hardware built-in samba. There is no user/password configuration for access on drive side.
Actually I was able to work normally with this folder until recent. But then situation changed, I don't know why and when.
Same situation for (K)ubuntu 10.10 and Debian 6.0.