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'unnamed' Desktop Activity will not go away

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    'unnamed' Desktop Activity will not go away

    Sorry but I'm at my wits end...

    I've searched the internet and this forum and I can't seem to find an answer to this particular problem.

    New install of Maverick 64 bit on a Toshiba Laptop (P105-S9722).

    All is fine with the exception of what appears to be an empty desktop activity. It is named 'unnamed' and there is no way that I can get rid of it.

    Here is what I've tried:

    -Tried to delete using the 'Meta'-q Activity pop-up (the activity is called 'unnamed' and there is no available controls to delete it.

    -Renamed it using the Desktop Settings to '1234'.

    -Found references to '1234' in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc, and ~/.kde/share/config/activitymanagerrc.
    - Carefully removed references to '1234' (trying to be mindful of the structure), and even went so far as to remove write

    This provided only temporary relief. After rebooting, I end up with an empty activity again.

    I realize this may be politically incorrect, but I'm beginning to despise plasma and this activity thing. I was OK with it when it stayed out of my way (I've read the reasons why the KDE people think it's fabulous), but needless to say I'm beginning to see it differently.

    Any further ideas to get rid of this 'unnamed' (or '1234') desktop activity would do wonders for what is left of my sanity.

    Thanks in advance.


    Re: 'unnamed' Desktop Activity will not go away

    I had a few of these. I went to the desktop, right-clicked. Opened "Activities" which then listed all of the activities below it. Clicked the "stop" button (grey square, upper right corner) of the unnamed activity. That should turn it into a red "x" and I clicked that to delete.

    Some of these unnamed activities may have things in them, though, you just didn't name them. I deleted three "unnamed" this way and lost one of my panel settings.

    Hope that works for you.


      Re: 'unnamed' Desktop Activity will not go away


      Thanks for your help. The single unnamed activity does not have the grey stop button. If I add an activity, both activities acquire the stop button, but if I stop one activity as you mentioned, the other activity loses its stop button. It almost seems KDE Plasma needs one activity no matter what.

      I have two installations of Maverick (10.10) 64 bit, and I have issues with only one (the one on my laptop). I guess I will just live with it for now, as I think my 'goobering' is making things worse...

      Thanks again.


        Re: 'unnamed' Desktop Activity will not go away

        Why would you want to delete the only activity left. In kde 4.5 the layout of the plasma plasmoids is stored in activity's. Even if you want no plasmoids then if would still have to be saved to the activity. Just name your activity empty en leave it there.

