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Xorg eating my cpu

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    Xorg eating my cpu

    Hi y'all,

    Fresh install 10.10
    Brand new SSD in Dell Precision T3400 with 3ghz dual core.

    OS starts fine - like lightning as I expected - and then runs slower and slower.
    I have install and uninstalled nvidia drivers, enabled and disabled desktop effects.

    Xorg eating 40 - 50% cpu
    System slow and unresponsive.

    I see many similar probs in other distros but can't find a similar issue on these forums, not for 10.10 anyway.

    Any assistance very welcome.
    Conflict is sleep. Peace is awakening.

    Re: Xorg eating my cpu

    If you are running the proprietary NVIDIA drivers, have you disabled nouveau?

    locae nouveau.ko
    If that returns anything similar to
    Then do the following:

    1. Create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf with the following line:

    blacklist nouveau

    You will need to use sudo to create this file.

    2. sudo update-initramfs -u

    3. reboot

    This will clear out the nouveau driver, which will definitely interfere with the proprietary nvidia driver, and with any repository-loaded nvidia driver as well.
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: Xorg eating my cpu

      Originally posted by doctordruidphd
      locae nouveau.ko
      If that returns anything similar to
      Wouldn't using lsmod to see if the nouveau module is loaded be a better test on whether the nouveau driver should be blacklisted? I have four entries from locate but none from lsmod.
      FKA: tanderson


        Re: Xorg eating my cpu

        First of all, if I had spelled "locate" right, it would have been of even more help.

        Sure, try lsmod. I have found that on my system, if nouveau.ko is there, it gets loaded.

        I have four entries from locate but none from lsmod.
        Interesting, do you have NVIDIA hardware?
        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: Xorg eating my cpu

          Originally posted by doctordruidphd
          Interesting, do you have NVIDIA hardware?
          yes I have a 6600gt. The nouveau drivers were under different kernel versions. If I was at my machine right now, I would paste my output. I, like the OP, have been experiencing performance decay over time due to xorg eating cpu cycles. I have never black listed nouveau drivers because it wasn't getting loaded.
          FKA: tanderson


            Re: Xorg eating my cpu

            I'm not sure what the problem is. Just thought it would be worth making sure that nouveau wasn't an issue. I haven't really had any video problems, other than with nouveau loading when it wasn't supposed to.
            Only other thing that comes to mind is maybe try a different version of the NVIDIA driver.
            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


              Re: Xorg eating my cpu

              Originally posted by doctordruidphd
              I'm not sure what the problem is.......maybe try a different version of the NVIDIA driver.
              me either. I am going to switch to maverick and try and use the nouveau driver.
              FKA: tanderson


                Re: Xorg eating my cpu

                This is likely obvious but have you waited without loading any applications to see if Xorg usage goes up, then start loading applications one-by-one, keeping an eye on Xorg usage?


                  Re: Xorg eating my cpu

                  Originally posted by molecule-eye
                  This is likely obvious but have you waited without loading any applications to see if Xorg usage goes up, then start loading applications one-by-one, keeping an eye on Xorg usage?
                  It has been 6 months since the last time I messed with it. So I can't be specific about what I have tried. My computer is on pretty much all the time and the problem becomes evident on like the 3rd or 4th day. It seems the more video I watch, the sooner the sluggishness occurs. I do remember the last time I messed with it, I removed nvidia and re-installed the nouveau driver and I didn't have the problem no matter how much video or time. I put the nvidia back on because the performance (after a reboot) was better than nouveau. I was thinking that the nvidia driver had a memory leak, so I hooked up the x-swat ppa hoping for a quick fix If I decided to mess with the nvidia driver again, I was going to, as the doctor mentioned, install the previous nvidia version. The nouveau driver took a good leap from jaunty to karmic and if it improves that much from karmic to maverick, it will be plenty good for me.
                  FKA: tanderson


                    Re: Xorg eating my cpu

                    Hi you Guys,

                    Thanks for you replies.
                    Apologies for the delay, my notifications seem to be up the spout.

                    Anyway, Xorg issue is resolved, tbh I'm not sure exactly what sorted it out.

                    Another cpu-munching issue going-on now...
                    Pls see other thread.

                    Conflict is sleep. Peace is awakening.

