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[RESOLVED] X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

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    [RESOLVED] X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10


    after upgrading from Kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 my X-server crashes some time after login. I have two monitors connected to my NVidia 7300 GT graphics adapter working in Xinerama mode. Everything worked fine before the upgrade.
    When using the original nvidia driver it crashes sometimes before finishing the desktop initialization most times when or after the welcome sound starts. The login dialog and the first moments of initialization work fine. I already disabled all plasmoids and the session management without success. Furthermore I renamed all files ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*. After changing the driver from 'nvidia' to 'nv' in xorg.conf the system is a little bit more stable, but it crashes after some minutes of usage. I haven't found out the reason for this crash until now. I already looked up /var/log/Xorg.0.log and ~/.xsession-errors but I didn't find something helpful. Has anybody an idea what is going wrong or experienced the same behaviour?

    Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

    What driver / driver version are you using? I'm not currently using Maveric but I think I read that 10.10 uses xorg 1.9 (in which case you'll need to update your nvidia driver so it's compatible with 1.9 ; how you do this will depend on how you installed your driver and on how you updated your system to maveric, I think).

    You can check which driver you should be using with your card here :

    You need driver 260.19.12 which has a fix for a bug in OpenGL's Xinerama support (might be your issue...).

    Fixed a bug in the OpenGL driver's Xinerama support.

    Rendering should have ocurred to all physical X screens driven by an NVIDIA GPU compatible with the NVIDIA GPU driving physical X screen 0. However, if some physical X screen did not satisfy that requirement, then not only would that physical X screen not be rendered to (as expected), but also all physical X screens with a higher number would not be rendered to (which was unexpected).


      Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

      Thanks for your hint.

      I had used 260.19.06 until today and upgraded to 260.19.12 but this hasn't helped.


        Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

        Have you rebooted since the update?


          Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

          There should be information in these files:


          If you can't see anything in them, post them here and maybe someone can spot something. In /var/log/Xorg.0.log, warnings start with a "[WW]" and error messages with a "[EE]", so they're fairly obvious. For example, you'll probably see this one:

          [  14.373] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.
          which is not indicative of an actual problem. If you see an [EE] message, then Googling it will help you figure out what it means, and how serious it might be.


            Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

            I rebooted after upgrading the driver.

            To give some more detail information: the X-server doesn't crash if I switch to TTY1..6 after logging on. When turning back afterwards to the desktop I have some seconds up to aprox. a minute before the crash takes place.

            I attached /var/log/Xorg.0.log and ~/.xsession-errors.
            Attached Files


              Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

              The setting from

              in .kde/share/config/kwinrc:

              reduces the crashes to almost none . I have worked for almost half an hour until now with only one crash. I think this isn't the solution but it helps. Certainly I don't have graphical effects any more.


                Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

                I'm away from my system and can't compare your .xsession-errors file to my own, which I would like to do. But I found this section suspicious:

                Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
                kwin(3516) KWin::Extensions::init: Extensions: shape: 0x "11" composite: 0x "4" render: 0x "b" fixes: 0x "40"
                Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
                kwin(3516) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detect: No GLX available
                kwin(3516) KDecorationPlugins::loadPlugin: kwin : path "/usr/lib/kde4/" for "kwin3_oxygen"
                kwin(3516): ""fsrestore1" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                kwin(3516): ""restore2" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                kwin(3516): ""fsrestore2" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                kwin(3516): ""restore3" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                kwin(3516): ""fsrestore3" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                kwin(3516): ""restore4" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                kwin(3516): ""fsrestore4" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
                If you open a terminal and enter
                , does it appear to run correctly? What is the fps rate?


                  Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

                  Yes, it works. I had to install it first. fps rate is 2700 ... 3900.


                    Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

                    I would advise going back to a single monitor (your best one) and no xinerama, and work with it that way until the problem is resolved, just to eliminate the extra complexity. Did you use nvidia-xconfig to write your xorg.conf file? Have you tried to update that lately?


                      Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

                      I used different xorg.conf files during my tests. Momentarily my 'historic' file is in use. Meanwhile I did use nvidia-xconfig. It didn't make a difference.
                      I moved to single monitor mode for now. It still crashes if I enable compositing.
                      I wasn't precise previously: I didn't use Xinerama mode. I used TwinMode.


                        Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

                        I googled "nvidia geforce 7300 bug" and found some interesting stuff, including this:

                        Meaning no disrespect, I'm wondering if you are suffering from the syndrome known as "old hardware trying to run new software". There have been a couple of new versions of xorg-xserver, plus new versions of the Nvidia driver in just the past year, and it's possible they have re-introduced (or "regressed") some of those GLX issues that were previously seen with the Geforce 7300. If it runs correctly on earlier versions of Linux/xorg, then that would tend to substantiate my suspicion.

                        Also, you might want to give that 256.53 Nvidia driver a shot, just in case it still works correctly with your card and Kubuntu 10.10.


                          Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

                          I had this exact situation over the weekend after both upgrading to Maverick, and subsequently a clean install.

                          I have an on-board Ati RadeonHD 3200, and I had this spontaneous x crash every few moments, using either the open driver (my preferred setup) or with fglrx.

                          So I don't hink this is specific to nvidia. This thread also seems to include intel in this one

                          I should have kept the install, but I really wanted to watch some stuff via Boxee, so I restored that box back to Lucid for a bit.


                            Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

                            I tested driver 256.53. No change.


                              Re: X-Server crashes after upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10

                              I compared my ~./xession-error file to the one was posted here, and in particular to the section I quoted above. The comparable section of mine looks like this:

                              kwin(1972) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detectDriverAndVersion: GL vendor is "NVIDIA Corporation"
                              kwin(1972) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detectDriverAndVersion: GL renderer is "GeForce GTX 260/PCI/SSE2"
                              kwin(1972) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detectDriverAndVersion: GL version is "3.3.0 NVIDIA 260.19.06"
                              kwin(1972) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detectDriverAndVersion: Detected driver "nvidia" , version "260.19.06"
                              kwin(1972): ""fsrestore1" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                              kwin(1972): ""fsrestore2" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                              kwin(1972): ""restore3" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                              kwin(1972): ""fsrestore3" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                              kwin(1972): ""restore4" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                              kwin(1972): ""fsrestore4" - conversion of "0,0,0,0" to QRect failed"
                              QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory
                              So you can see here that kwin is finding the Nvidia driver on my system, and picking up the GLX version for use on my display.

                              On sofiman's system, kwin is not finding a GLX version to use, and is therefore having to do some fallback or something. So, this doesn't prove that the problem is the Nvidia driver or compositing, but it does prove that kwin can (and undoubtedly should) use the compositing capability provided by the video driver.

                              Either the Nvidia driver is not installed fully, or xserver-xorg is not using it correctly, or there's some bug somewhere in the video software. I would try installing the 256.53 Nvidia driver, and see whether there's any difference in performance.

