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[SOLVED] Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

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    [SOLVED] Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

    Hello guys. I am upgraded my Kubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 yesterday. Everything went fine, but then I am found several troubles. I hope that I will find some help here.
    • KMix doesn't remember volume or muted settings: Maverick now using Pulseaudio and I have in KMix only one volume scroll bar. But what is worst Kmix doesn't remember my setting after reboot what is very annoying for me because I have muted my speakers mostly due to using my laptop in school or meetings. - SOLVED: KMix --> Settings --> Configure KMix --> untick "Restore volumes on login".
    • Trackpoint scrolling: I have ThinkPad T61 and in each new version of Kubuntu I fighting with this issue. In 10.04 it was possible solve by one configuration file, but it is not working in Maverick anymore. I am found nice application gpointing-device-settings which working fine, but only until reboot - then it is not working anymore.SOLVED: Exactly the same procedure like in Jaunty can be used, only change is that necessary file must be created in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ instead of /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/. Guide is here.
    • KNetworkManager systray icon: network is working without problem but I missing KNM systray icon. It was disappeared and I can't switch between different network connections. SOLVED: Click with right mouse button on free space or arrow in systray, choose Settings --> Ulock widget --> choose requested icon or icons.
    • Nasty Splash screen during boot: I have nVidia graphic card with proprietary drivers so I have had some quality issues with splash screen before too, but now it is much worse. My Splash is only blue screen with very simple text "Kubuntu 10.10. Beyond I can see starting services on screen too, what is disturbing. - SOLVED: Configuration commands for GRUB2 here. Right configuration see below:

    kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub
    GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480   # Resolution set according to your needs, but NOT all of them will be working correctly.

    Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

    KNetworkManager systray icon: network is working without problem but I missing KNM systray icon. It was disappeared and I can't switch between different network connections.
    Try adding the networking icon to the systray by rigt-clicking on the arrow or a blank space on the tray and looking at the settings.

    Trackpoint scrolling: I have ThinkPad T61 and in each new version of Kubuntu I fighting with this issue. In 10.04 it was possible solve by one configuration file, but it is not working in Maverick anymore. I am found nice application gpointing-device-settings which working fine, but only until reboot - then it is not working anymore. 61
    Not that every single user will have the same results as the author of that wiki page, but this page
    may offer more ideas to try -gpointing-device-settings probably won't work between boots in any case.

    It could be due to HAL, which is still needed by KDE, but no longer used by Ubuntu
    so try looking here
    You might look at the xorg.conf.d section - though in 10.10 the path is /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/<name-of-file>


      Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

      Thank you, KNetworkManager icon is back. I don't understand why it was disabled.

      But anyway still no luck with Trackpoint. I will go through all available guides. Unfortunately procedures which was working under Lucid well doesn't working under Maverick :-/


        Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

        I have the exact same problems with kmix. Any help with that?
        Custom amd x4 o/c 3800<br />8gb ram, radeon 5850<br />kde 4.7&nbsp; kernel 3 <br />Virtualbox winxp<br /><br />Dell precision m6300<br />4gb ram Quadro m1600<br />intell 2core 2k<br />kde4.7 kernel 3.0


          Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

          Originally posted by losingle
          I have the exact same problems with kmix. Any help with that?
          I am installed fresh Maverick to VirtualBox and there it is working normally. On my PC helped only Pulseaudio removal :-/ It is strange.


            Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

            About Boot Splash - it look that this nasty Splash is normal > Did know anybody how to return Splash from Lucid?


              Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

              I have the exact same problems with kmix. Any help with that?
              Same problem here. Pulse doesn't remember volume settings.

              Did know anybody how to return Splash from Lucid?
              So far, I have not been able to change the splash screen. The normal way to do it is
              sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth
              but no matter what I change the theme to, I get the same one.
              We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

                Have you read Rog131's Re: Service Menus with Dolphin - Plymouth background and logo images context menu -? Not sure if it address your issue exactly, but maybe.
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

                  Have you read Rog131's Re: Service Menus with Dolphin
                  No, I haven't tried it, but basically, the following line is where the plymouth theme gets changed:

                  Exec=konsole --hold -e sudo bash -c " update-alternatives --config default.plymouth"
                  and it's the same as I have tried. Also, in present versions of kde,
                  SystemSettings > Alternatives Configuration > default.plymouth
                  does the same thing, and in fact does change the theme as far as the system is concerned, but even after and update initramfs -u the plymouth theme does not change. I suspect it has been hard linked or coded somewhere.

                  Not sure why pulse is refusing to remember volume settings, either. Removing .pulse didn't make any difference, and that is where it should be stored.
                  We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                    Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

                    Re KMix not remembering volume settings.

                    I had the similar problem in that it would always start muted, the following fixed it for me. In KMix /Settings/Configure KMix, untick Restore volumes on login. I now rembers any level I set.
                    Kubuntu 10.10 64bit<br />KDE 4.5.3<br />Kernel: generic<br />Nvidia Driver: 260.19.06<br />Dell Dimension 9200 - Core 2 Duo 6300 - 3GB Ram<br />Nvidia Geforce 7900GS<br /><br />Linux user since March 2004<br />Linux user #526793


                      Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

                      Originally posted by sjhstorm
                      Re KMix not remembering volume settings.

                      I had the similar problem in that it would always start muted, the following fixed it for me. In KMix /Settings/Configure KMix, untick Restore volumes on login. I now rembers any level I set.
                      Great, it is working. Thanks.


                        Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

                        I had the similar problem in that it would always start muted, the following fixed it for me. In KMix /Settings/Configure KMix, untick Restore volumes on login. I now rembers any level I set.
                        Yep, that was it. Nice catch on that one!
                        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


                          Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

                          I have a similar problem with the display. It seems that the system doesn't save the setting for the refresh rate . After every reboot it goes back to 60 Hz and moves the screen a bit to the left. I change the setting to 75Hz and the screen goes back to its correct position.

                          also i created 2 shortcuts [to an external drive ] in the desktop folder and it doesn't keep their icons , or the link , not even the program to open the folder [i use the dolphin as default] . every time i reboot the shortcuts are useless .

                          I have just upgraded to 10.10 64bit, KDE 4.5.1 and from what i have seen from the boot screen Kernel: generic

                          and i am a noob


                            Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

                            Originally posted by corwin78
                            kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub
                            GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480   # Resolution set according to your needs, but NOT all of them will be working correctly.
                            Worst. Suggestion. Ever.
                            (Thanks for the try anyway. Seriously discouraged. Made my system come back with an X-error that could not even get me a recovery console, but a black screen. Reconfiguration was impossible as well. Luckily, I had made a from the original, that I could write back from a command prompt, another update-grub, and we're back at normal - except of the ugly screen. Yes, the boot screen was nice after the change. But only the boot screen.)

                            Here is the unified diff, I made a copy of the totally failing grub.cfg as; and the only difference is the payload=keep:

                            $ diff -u grub.cfg grub.cfg.fails
                            --- grub.cfg 2010-10-16 20:54:49.003770002 +0800
                            +++ grub.cfg.fails 2010-10-16 20:52:45.000000000 +0800
                            @@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
                            ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
                            menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
                            + set gfxpayload=keep
                            insmod part_msdos
                            insmod ext2
                            set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
                            @@ -87,6 +89,7 @@
                            menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
                            + set gfxpayload=keep
                            insmod part_msdos
                            insmod ext2
                            set root='(hd0,msdos1)'

                            The respective Xorg.log says:
                            (I had it stored, it had offered to store it, and it had stated the name would be $xorg-backup-file. But it isn't available.)
                            "Failed to allocate primary buffer: out of memory"

                            Better live with the ugly splash ...



                              Re: Troubles after upgrade to Maverick

                              Worst. Suggestion. Ever.
                              You didn't mention what type of video card you have (or at least I can't find mention of it).

                              If you are using a video card that expects frame buffer mode to be set, it won't work with those settings. I cannot get my nvidia cards to work this way; I have to EITHER use the nouveau driver, in which case splash, gfxpayload, and so on all work (though I still cannot change the splash screen) OR use the proprietary NVIDIA driver and the old vga= setup in the boot, and not use any gfxpayload stuff, in which case text screens and bootup are normal, but no splash screen. I'm sure there is a way to make grub work with framebuffers, but I haven't figured it out. I stick with the vga= method, because nouveau's 3d acceleration just isn't at a useable stage of development.
                              We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

