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Upgrade woes - Kernel headers missing

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    Upgrade woes - Kernel headers missing

    I did the dist-upgrade with the alternate disk to save some headaches.

    Did use internet support instead of disk only.

    First reboot and nothing - xserver crashed.

    Went back to grub and added nomodeset to first used kernel - still nada.

    Back to grub and used 2nd kernel with nomodeset - SUCCESS!

    Ran synaptic and checked if the Kernel headers for were installed - NO!

    Installed the Kernel headers, and without the nomodeset - SUCCESS!

    ( this happened before with a previous Kernel update - the headers were not included)

    I'm using Nvidia graphics with the 173 driver, and so far so good.

    Check this out if you have the same.

    Re: Upgrade woes - Kernel headers missing

    Hi grncamaro69 ,
    I have some funny kernel problems,
    I upgraded to 10.10 this evening, everything went fine. I can log in, (i use a dual boot with vista), but in the grub list still the Ubuntu 10.04 kernel 2.6.32-24 is listed and it is the only one listed the new kernel is not listed...however in the synaptic the headers for the kernel 2.6.35 is installed

    now I went to the grub menu list and it also does not show the new kernel

    but when I do a lsb_release -a

    I get

    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description: Ubuntu 10.10
    Release: 10.10
    Codename: maverick

    when I tried to "dpkg --configure -a" after the upgrade it shows:

    warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 52092 package 'virtualbox-3.1':
    error in Version string '3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number
    warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 52093 package 'virtualbox-3.1':
    error in Config-Version string '3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number
    warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 66890 package 'virtualbox-3.1':
    error in Version string '3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number

    and when I try this...(since my graphics was broken)sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) I get this following error..

    Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 2.6.32-24-generic cannot be found at
    /lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/build or /lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/source.

    also I cannot open any folders from the desktop widget (folder view) because once I click them it directs me to the archive manager and says that this type of archive is not supported

    can anyone help....

    I am not sure if I am posting in the correct place, and without help I think I will be lost...

    I am an unlucky person, whenever I post a problem no one replies, hope this is not like that...that's why I send this as a reply..


    I did a update-grub to update my grub menu so that the new kernel shows up, it worked fine although I had to delete the first menu.lst and create a new one.

    this has solved the problems partially,

    still the graphics are broken, the window borders are broken and the graphics are clanky, lets see if some updates later will clear the issue.



      Re: Upgrade woes - Kernel headers missing


      Are you using Nvidia? And one of the Propriety drivers?

      The last major KDE upgrade via the PPA, my machine had the broken desktop.
      That was because the Nouveau driver and the propriety Nvidia driver were fighting over control.

      If you can get a desktop up and get to kicker, try to get to systemsettings and turn off special effects.
      If the desktop stabilizes, then this was it. Get in a package manager and unload the nouveau driver .

      I noticed the dist-upgrade put the nouveau driver in again, so I took it out again.
      Also, I noticed even after this, special effects are off because of a technical issue, according to the message there.

      Will have to see if someone else conquered this one.


        Re: Upgrade woes - Kernel headers missing


        Your suggestion to remove nouveau drivers do not work for me, I get a desktop everytime I log in, but it is very clanky,
        but your suggestion to disable the effects seems to be working, after disabling the special effects there are no problems, although I am not sure if the driver and the special effects issue are directly related since it happened to me when the driver was removed and I rebooted the machine, however after that I removed the effects it is fine.

        another problem is that my "dpkg" has the earlier problem
        warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 52092 package 'virtualbox-3.1':
        error in Version string '3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number
        warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 52093 package 'virtualbox-3.1':
        error in Config-Version string '3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number
        warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 66890 package 'virtualbox-3.1':
        error in Version string '3.1.6-59338_Ubuntu_karmic': invalid character in revision number

        I must search more forums to find out a solution for that.



          Re: Upgrade woes - Kernel headers missing

          the problem of warnings in the dpkg command in the above post is due to be that the underscore has become at some point an illegal character in Debian package names

          I have removed the under scores and replaced them with tildes which stops the warnings.

          regarding the broken graphics, I recognized that the desktop effects are suspended on restart, which if restarted solves the problem to an extent, however the graphics is still slow, I think that I will try XRender instead of OpenGL as a last option, if that does not work, I will go back to Ubuntu which is really good after the upgrade.

