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how to start network without KDE?

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    how to start network without KDE?

    My KDE installation, 4.6 beta 2, got hosed due to some dependency issues and now KDE does not start. That would be manageable, but if KDE doesn't start, neither does my network connection. So, I can't do any fixes with apt at the command line. I have tried:

    start networking
    ifup wlan0
    ifup eth0 (with ethernet cable attached)

    At best, dhclient3 will give me some indication the network has started when I run netstat -nr. But I don't get a destination IP or gateway address and there is no Internet connection. With past distros, I always had a network connection at startup. How can I do that with Kubuntu?

    Re: how to start network without KDE?

    sudo ifconfig eth0 up

    no connection with your eth0 up usually means /etc/resolv.conf is blank (no path to router)

    Please Read Me


      Re: how to start network without KDE?

      One reason why I switched to wicd is because KNetworkManager needs KDE to be running for it to work.

      Wicd has 5 packages, one of which is wicd-curses, which is a console based network connection manager that is easy to use. Wicd starts up before KDE does, which makes widgets which require network connections to load faster.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: how to start network without KDE?

        Thanks guys! It mysteriously started working the next time I booted up. I fixed all of my KDE packages. I will definitely switch to wicd. I don't like the idea of having no network connection without the window manager.

