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SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

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    SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

    can the following devices work on 64-bit Kubuntu? Will I need to do anything special to make them work? If they won't work, what other devices can I use?

    Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

    Don't know about those but the MS controller does with my old install of Klikit.



      Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

      Hmm...unfortunately, I'm not looking to use an MS controller. If no one knows if they will work, how can I tell whether or not they will work on 64-bit Linux? Even if they do work on it, it won't likely be advertized unless I find the manufacturer's website.


        Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

        i have several devices that do this sort of thing and since they are all HID Devices they all work just fine with any os (i have even used these w/ my wii and a ps3). so if they are using standard HID driver for the controllers they should work just fine . although rumble may not work , since i have never tried to use it i can't say one way or another.
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          Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

          I have the N64 adapter and it work in Kubuntu. Since it is a HID device, it will work in any distro without problems, simple plug and play. But there are some things you should know about this adapter:

          - It is a double adapter, so it need to handle the extra axes and buttons of the PSX joypad. When you move the analog control, the adapter tell the PC that you are moving 4 axes, not just 2. This can be a problem in some emulators;

          - If your N64 joypad have a lose analog stick (like mine), you will not reach the end of the analog course. So you need to calibrate. But the emulators that a tested in Linux don't recognise these calibration that you do in the KDE control center. In game, you will not reach the full movement of the analog stick. In Windows the emulator recognise the calibration;

          - The digital pad is recognise as 4 buttons. Again, you can have problems in some emulator, particularly the FCEU NES emulator;

          - A and B button presses are recognised as two key presses. Again, some emulators don't like it, but is a minor problem.

          In my experience, the FCEU can be played if you use some program to recognise the digital pad, like joy2key. In Mupen64 Plus, you have two increase the sensitivity of the analog in some way. But is playable anyway.
          If you find a grammar error in my text, is because English is not my native language :-)


            Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

            Just out of curiosity, what would these devices be used for in Linux?
            The next brick house on the left
            Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


              Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

              for anything you can use a controller for.
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                Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

                The next brick house on the left
                Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                  Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

                  u know play games using the controllers and what not :P
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                    Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux


                    Please Read Me


                      Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

                      O.K., so if I were so inclined I could play some game in Linux and use an SNES, N64, or PS2 controller.

                      Cool. Still not inclined
                      The next brick house on the left
                      Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


                        Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

                        M@GO LoBEL, so would it be better to instead use a ps2 or N64 controller with a direct interface to the computer (aka, usb) as apposed to a dual adapter and the real N64 or ps2 controllers?


                          Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

                          Originally posted by Prescience
                          M@GO LoBEL, so would it be better to instead use a ps2 or N64 controller with a direct interface to the computer (aka, usb) as apposed to a dual adapter and the real N64 or ps2 controllers?
                          this will depend on your adaptor i have serveral of the singles, a few multis, but its really going to depend on how the device is made. chances are you will have the same HID chip in the controller or in a dual adaptor. its all gonna depend on the usb chip.
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                            Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

                            Any recommendations on specific ones with a good usb chip?


                              Re: SNES, N64, and PS2 controllers on linux

                              not really, since they all look the same and tend to lack id marks. one i have is a radioshack made converter, however i don't think they make it anymore, i have one i got from walmart that converts GC,PS2, and XBox, (w/ 2 usb ports).Another i think is a "super joy box". But they don't really have much of any id on them.
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