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The 12.04 LTS will be for FIVE years, not three!

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    The 12.04 LTS will be for FIVE years, not three!

    Canonical has announced that:
    Ubuntu 12.04 to feature extended support period for desktop users
    Five-year Long Term Support (LTS) makes Ubuntu a compelling choice for the business desktop

    London, October 21st, 2011: Canonical today announced it would be extending the support and maintenance period for its upcoming Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu for desktop users from three years to five years. The move comes in response to increasing demand for Ubuntu desktops in corporate environments where longer maintenance periods are the norm. It brings the desktop product into line with Ubuntu Server which continues with five years of support for LTS releases.
    The first two years of the LTS period will benefit businesses by including hardware updates (through regular point releases) allowing them to keep up to date with the latest hardware upgrades. Maintenance updates will continue for a further three years. Businesses can now rely on always running an LTS version regardless of their hardware refresh rate.
    Since Kubuntu releases usually follows Ubuntu releases I am assuming that it means that the Kubuntu 12.04 LTS will be for five years as well!

    That means that after I upgrade, sometime around May of 2012, I will be running the same version of Kubuntu till 2017!! I'll be 76 then, and at the rate my bits are rotting I'll probably have too many memory errors to be able to operate Kubuntu, IF my notebook doesn't give out first. But, for the next five years it will be good times in DE land!
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: The 12.04 LTS will be for FIVE years, not three!

    Ummmm GG you should be forwarned now, that I have specified in my will that YOU will be one of the REAL pallbearers for my casquet.

    My insurance company gives me a survey each year and I have always ended up showing that I will live to about...2044.

    I won't last till 2044, so if I am to be a pallbearer at your funeral it will be the first case of a corpse carrying a casket!!!

    RATS! I did it again. I clicked "Modify" instead of "Quote" and put my comment at the end of your post. Sorry. (P.S. -- no need to change it now... I'll just leave it there)


      Re: The 12.04 LTS will be for FIVE years, not three!

      A five year support cycle sounds nice doesn't it, but imagine how bored you'd be if you didn't at least keep upgrading kde now and again, and I can't even imagine what any DE will look like in five years time not just kde, I think we'd be looking at other peoples desktop with just a little bit of envy.
      I was using ubuntu 10.04 Lts on my main tower, but after spending the last six month's with Kubuntu on my laptop, I've just this week finished swapping the tower over to Kubuntu 11.10, I just couldn't wait another six month's to be rid of gnome, and very nice it runs as well, oddly I've just swapped kubuntu for xubuntu on my laptop, as I use it for work and when I get bored (a lot) I tweak stuff, and it makes it very unstable, ah well!, to many options kde-too many options, that's just a criticism/weakness of me not kde.


        Re: The 12.04 LTS will be for FIVE years, not three!

        Originally posted by GreyGeek
        But, for the next five years it will be good times in DE land!
        Or NE land.

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