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alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

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    alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

    I use KDE 3 primarily, but would like to play around with KDE 4 some more to see if I might actually be willing to switch at some point . I've tried to install network-manager-kde (for 4), but apt-get always wants to remove network-manager-kde-kde3 (for 3) at the same time. I haven't gotten command-line-wireless connection to play nicely with the WEP key yet, and thus I can't get wireless to work on both KDE 3 and 4 simultaneously.

    I just read in another post that knetworkmanager isn't available for 4. (What, then, is network-manager-kde?) Is there an alternative application that I can use to connect to a wireless network in 4 without hindering that capability in 3? Or better yet, how can I just connect from the command line? (I've tried various permutations of iwconfig wlan0 ESSID key <key>, without success.)


    Re: alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

    Have you tried wicd?


      Re: alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

      Just did.

      However, when I logged in to KDE 4, wicd immediately requested root privileges, which seemed strange. I can't run it without root privileges. Also, it won't connect to my wireless network. It either gets stuck on authentication, or gives me a "Bad Password" error, depending which flavor of encryption I use. On knetworkmanager in 3, it's WPA personal that works well.

      I should add that I installed wicd from KDE 3 (but via the command line), as that's the only DE under which I have a 'net connection at present, although I wouldn't have expected that to make a difference.


        Re: alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

        Wicd is the best network manager I have experience with. A quick forum search on wicd, espcially the "Bad password" problem will get you up and working right away. If that doesn't solve your problem, post back and we will see what the problem is.


          Re: alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

          Thanks. wicd connects now, but I can't launch firefox on KDE4. It complains that it can't find the kgtk2-wrapper executable. I tried reinstalling firefox, and searching Synaptic for "kgtk2" (nothing there). I do have an executable file /opt/kde3/bin/kgtk2-wrapper. It is owned by root, but all executable permissions are enabled.

          I searched for the error in the forum, but found nothing.



            Re: alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

            I just logged in to Gnome for the first time in ages, and I see the same error when trying to launch Firefox. Maybe this is a KDE3 error? However, most of the KDE3-specific packages end in kde3 (e.g. kolourpaint-kde3), and none of the Firefox packages have that suffix...


              Re: alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

              Why use kgtk at all? All it does is provide KDE dialogs for GTK applications - and it doesn't work with all of them.

              For Firefox, just create a launcher that calls 'firefox %u'

              Hope this helps -
              we see things not as they are, but as we are.
              -- anais nin


                Re: alternative to knetworkmanager in KDE 4?

                Sweet! That seems to have fixed the problem. Thank you!

                Why use kgtk? No idea. I did apt-get install firefox, and kgtk seems to have just been part of the deal. I wouldn't have known or cared, probably, if this little error hadn't shown up.

                Thanks again.

