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queued jobs wont resume after disk full warning

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    queued jobs wont resume after disk full warning


    when i unrar archives the job is minimised to the tray near the clock in the taskbar.
    This is causing me problems because i cant cancel jobs that are taking a long time, and i cant see which jobs have completed or not.

    im running KDE 4.2.2 on 10.04.1 LTS and do all of my file management with Dolphin 1.4

    today i started unrar'ing a load of archives and went for coffee, when i returned there was a disk full warning which i dealt with by deleting a load of old files. The unrar jobs didnt resume and i can see no way of forcing them to, or cancelling them.

    the little "ring of dots" is still animating in the system tray and 6 of 10 jobs are complete. Ive tried renicing the processes using ksysguard, and ive also sent CONT signals to them with no effect.

    My jobs are still paused and hopefully someone can tell me how to resume them before i have to kill the processes and do all the manual clean up associated with that.

    I would really like my jobs to have their own dialogs instead of being dumped into this seemingly black hole so that i have some level of control over them. So i guess thats 2 questions really
