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Contact Not Working

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    Contact Not Working

    All of my Kontact programs seem to be working except for Contact.

    Clicking on Contact, I get the following error message:
    Akonadi not operational

    On the Akonadi Server self test I get the follow red crosses next to:

    No resource agents found
    Previous Akonadi control error log found

    I have checked to see if Akonadi is running and it is

    I have looked at the logs at /var/log and do not see any Akopnadi log

    Any ideas of how to fix would be appreciated as I recently installed Kubuntu Lucid Lynx and need to get addresses in my address book.

    Re: Contact Not Working

    Welcome to the forum!

    Getting akonadi to work properly is, from my perspective, not a trivial task, in fact sometimes it can seem like you need a magic wand For that reason I use something else.

    Am I right in assuming that you are new to kubuntu as well as the forum? Are you from windows or another linux distro?

    What program have you previously used and, importantly, what format is your address book currently in?


      Re: Contact Not Working

      Yes, I am new to Kubuntu and the forum. I installed several days ago. Previously I was using openSuse 11.0 which is no longer supported.

      When I was using openSuse 11.0, I used the Kontact program and it seemed to work OK. My address book was a std.vcf file

      Today I looked in my ./kde/share/apps/kabd and saw it contained a std.vcf file but it was empty. I renamed it and coped over my old std.vcf file.

      Using another posters suggestion, I closed Kontact and entered the command
      "akonadictl start" > ~/.kde/env/

      I then restarted and opened Kontact. Low and behold, the error message in Contact was no longer there.

      I tried to enter a new contact in Contact. I entered the contact information, clicked on add and then clicked on OK. A screen came up with "Select the address book the new contact shall be saved in" but there were NO options listed and no way to enter anything in the window.

      I tried again with the same result.

      I went back and looked in ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc and there were additional std.vcf files
      There was a std.vcf_3 which is empty, a std.vcf_4 which is empty and a std.vcf_5 which contains the same information as the std.vcf which I brought over from my old system.

      sooo - it seems as if perhaps the data base program is not interacting with Contact and I can not add or delete anything to my address book.

      I was thinking of downloading Gnome and using the applications there and playing around with the interface.

      What is the best way to do this in Kubuntu so that I would have an option of KDE of Gnome?


        Re: Contact Not Working

        tbh I use thunderbird with lightning so from the one place I have mail, contacts and calendar.

        I think the KDE Pim applications have suffered as a result of moving to kde4, and its at that point I stopped using them. There are people here who have got them working so you may well get some practical help soon.

        As to gnome apps, if you want to use them you don't need to use the gnome desktop - just install the apps and you can run them within kde as all necessary dependencies will be installed.


          Re: Contact Not Working

          See HOWTO Configure KDE and Akonadi so it just works
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Contact Not Working

            Kontact gave me that problem too in the past. But with Kontact KDE 4.5 bèta, the problem has dissapeared. The KDE 4.5 bèta of Kontact is waaaaay better than any Kontact-version or other client will ever be IMHO.
            Most important laptop specs (this is my main computer, with Kubuntu on it):<br /><br />4096MB RAM (DDR2)<br />500GB Hard Disk<br />ATI Mobility Radeon 4570HD Videocard with 512MB GDDR3 RAM, up to 2280MB VRAM<br />Intel® Core™ 2 Duo-processor T6600<br /><br />OS: Kubuntu 10.10


              Re: Contact Not Working

              Ok, how do I install KDE 4.5 beta? Will it automatically overwrite or upgrade my present KDE?



                Re: Contact Not Working

                It will not overwrite anything, it only upgrades.

                You'll need to add this PPA to your Software Sources (System Settings>>>Software Management>>>Settings>>>Edit software sources) to get KDE 4.5 stable:

                Then let it update everything.
                Then add this PPA:

                To update Kontact to KDE 4.5 bèta (KDE 4.5 is stable, but Kontact is running a little behind, but it's stable enough so don't worry).
                Most important laptop specs (this is my main computer, with Kubuntu on it):<br /><br />4096MB RAM (DDR2)<br />500GB Hard Disk<br />ATI Mobility Radeon 4570HD Videocard with 512MB GDDR3 RAM, up to 2280MB VRAM<br />Intel® Core™ 2 Duo-processor T6600<br /><br />OS: Kubuntu 10.10

