hi There,
I was recommended to add the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports repos and update in order to get my Kontact as well as KDE updated.
That's what I did, ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade until there were no more packets to install, I rebooted and KDE isn't starting anymore. I get a lil dialog from kdm that says /usr/binstartkde could not be found. Fine shell login and do the update, upgrade stuff again, there's nothing left to be installed/updated now but kdm still won't starrt kde cause of the missing /usr/bin/startkde. A manual startx is telling me that the compatible NVIDIA x driver was not found even tho i ran the driver installer from NVIDIA again and it didn't return an error... how am i getting my system back into a running state?
I was recommended to add the ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports repos and update in order to get my Kontact as well as KDE updated.
That's what I did, ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade until there were no more packets to install, I rebooted and KDE isn't starting anymore. I get a lil dialog from kdm that says /usr/binstartkde could not be found. Fine shell login and do the update, upgrade stuff again, there's nothing left to be installed/updated now but kdm still won't starrt kde cause of the missing /usr/bin/startkde. A manual startx is telling me that the compatible NVIDIA x driver was not found even tho i ran the driver installer from NVIDIA again and it didn't return an error... how am i getting my system back into a running state?