Re: Installing gimp-2.7.2 -- gegl won't compile
That's true, you should always use a format that is still usable in a few year's time. You don't need to massively waste disk space with .tif however, the lossless .png will do just as well. It has been around for a long time already, and it won't be going anywhere within the next 10-20 years at the very least, as it's massively used. Same goes for .jpg, if you don't mind using a lossy format. It likewise has been around for quite a while, is massively used and thus won't be going anywhere either. While there's the muchly improved .jp2, that has been around for about 10 years now and still didn't catch on, and it's dubious if it will in the future. The only currently popular format that I see receding is .gif, which is being eclipsed by .png. The .png format is better than .gif in all regards but one, it doesn't support animations. To patch over that shortcoming, .mng has been created - we'll see how that goes.
Saving as .xcf would be pretty retarded - no one with at least a shroud of sanity uses that crap, and I'm sure it will go belly-up pretty soon because no one wants to use it (if you consider it to be alive in the first place, that is... with next to no one using it, that can't be really said.)
If anything, the forced .xcf saving will only make people more disgruntled towards Gimp, and it might be dropped from default install by more distributions besides Ubuntu.
Originally posted by dibl
Saving as .xcf would be pretty retarded - no one with at least a shroud of sanity uses that crap, and I'm sure it will go belly-up pretty soon because no one wants to use it (if you consider it to be alive in the first place, that is... with next to no one using it, that can't be really said.)
If anything, the forced .xcf saving will only make people more disgruntled towards Gimp, and it might be dropped from default install by more distributions besides Ubuntu.