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"Add to desktop" apparently doesn't work in KDE 4.5.1

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    "Add to desktop" apparently doesn't work in KDE 4.5.1

    If I open the K menu and right-click on an application, one of the choices I get is "Add to Desktop". But if I make that choice, nothing visibly happens; in particular, no icon is added to the desktop. I encountered this problem with an earlier KDE version and never solved it. I do know that it's related for some reason to having different wallpapers (and ergo, different widgets for each desktop) since if I deselect "different widgets for each desktop" in System Settings, "Add to Desktop" works as it is supposed to. Since applications and widgets are different things, that shouldn't make a difference.

    The really odd thing is that on another machine running KDE 4.5.1 I had "Add to Desktop" working, but now it isn't. I have no idea what changed.

    Re: "Add to desktop" apparently doesn't work in KDE 4.5.1

    Click, drag, and drop works.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Icons are landing on the wrong desktop!

      I tried click/drag/drop but it didn't do anything -- as I moved the cursor off the app in the K menu, nothing followed it, and the following click produced no result.

      But by accident I discovered a very strange thing. I have 12 desktops. If I do the "add to desktop" thing from Desktop 7, say, the icons are created as they should be -- but on Desktop 2! So I have quite an accumulation of icons on Desktop 2 from my attempts to create them elsewhere.

      Some of the other desktops have a couple of application icons on them from the time when I was able to put them there, but I can no longer do that.


        Re: "Add to desktop" apparently doesn't work in KDE 4.5.1

        Try installing Lancelot and then adding the Lancelot Launcher widget and try using it to do what you want. Lancelot is what I use, and the click+drag and drop to the desktop works with it.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: "Add to desktop" apparently doesn't work in KDE 4.5.1

          Any chance you've got different activites for your desktops? KDE4 desktop doesn't function like it did in kde3. You have to have your desktop set for folder view to see what's in the desktop folder. The default activity is "Desktop" which displays your desktop folder as widget.

          Please Read Me


            Re: "Add to desktop" apparently doesn't work in KDE 4.5.1

            It won't work if the widgets are locked!

            On my KDE 4.5.1 desktop both to desktop and to panel work very well.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Widgets don't appear to be locked

              I don't think the widgets are locked, since if I click on the cashew I have a 'lock widgets' option. In fact, if I lock the widgets and then unlock them, nothing changes.

              I do have "different widgets for each desktop" selected since I want different backgrounds on my desktops, and as far as I know that's the only way to get those different backgrounds.

              I tried changing Desktop Settings/Activity from Desktop to Folder View. That caused some icons to appear on the desktop, but Add to Desktop still causes the new application icon to show up on the wrong desktop.

              I've reported the behavior i'm seeing as a bug. i get it on two different machines.

