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NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

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    NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

    Hey all.....

    So I've been using Gnome for ages, but bought more RAM recently, and thought I'd try KDE.

    It all seems very shiny and pretty, but I'm having some problems........

    In the Desktop containment, I can't find a way of locking the widgets. Clicking "add widgets" calls down the beginnings of the dialog (effects only), but then it evaporates..... The only way to add them is to unlock the top panel, click "add widgets" there, and then drag the new widgets down to the desktop... This goes against what's written in the guides.

    Also, I can't find a way to resize the "page one" and "search and launch" buttons, which ruthlessly use up half of the top panel.

    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated....

    Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

    I'm a bit confused...

    In the Desktop containment,
    Does this mean the Desktop Folder using the default Desktop Activity setting or are you using Folder View Activity setting?

    I can't find a way of locking the widgets. Clicking "add widgets" calls down the beginnings of the dialog (effects only), but then it evaporates..... The only way to add them is to unlock the top panel, click "add widgets" there, and then drag the new widgets down to the desktop... This goes against what's written in the guides.
    If you have the "Add Widgets" option, then your widgets are not locked. Within the same dialog as "Add Widgets" is (or should be) "Lock Widgets". As for your "disappearing" add widgets dialog, I suspect the widget panel has been resized to too small to see or positioned off screen. Try this: right click on your desktop or click on the cashew in the upper right corner (unlock widgets if they're locked), select "add panel", this should create a very small panel in the upper left corner, click on it and expand it's size, then right click on it and see if add widgets brings up a dialog.

    Also, I can't find a way to resize the "page one" and "search and launch" buttons, which ruthlessly use up half of the top panel.
    Here, I haven't a clue - what panel? I've never seen a "page one", any chance you mean the kmenu application launcher?

    Please Read Me


      Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

      The Kubuntu NetbookRemix is an odd piece of kit.
      I am using it right now on an HP mini and after years of regular KDE it takes getting used to.
      I especially dislike the top panel... for being on the top but haven't yet found out how to move it to the bottom.

      When you want to edit or add widgets to the desktop you'll have to click the Cashew in the left bottom corner, unlock the page and then select your next move.

      The top panel has it' s own controls that show on a right-click.

      Don' t forget to re-lock the widgets when you're done!


        Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....


        By 'desktop containment', I did mean default desktop activity. I know that the widgets aren't locked.... I just can't find the option to lock them. There is no option to 'add panel' As for the 'top panel', I think it might be a NBR only thing.... Here's a picture:

        [img width=400 height=234][/img]

        See how the "page one" and "search and launch" buttons take up half of the bar? How annoying! I can't for the life of me find a way of changing them. Perhaps I'd be better off running a different distro with the KDE desktop (which I like)?

        @ Teunis. You can move the top panel by right clicking, unlocking it, and then clicking on the 'cashew'.... this brings up a little extra panel on the top bar, that allows you to reposition it. Doing this means that to close any open windows, you have to move the cursor to the bottom........ as that's where the (sort of ingenious) control is......


          Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

          Originally posted by oshunluvr
          I'm a bit confused...
          That's probably because chicken is using the netbook remix version of LL and you're using the desktop version. I've never seen Windows 7 Starter but from what I hear it sounds like the netbook remix version of LL, kind of pared down (and dumbed down to a degree). Burn a live cd of the netbook remix version and you'll see that it's a slightly different animal.

          @chicken: If your machine can run the standard desktop version of LL you'd be much better off going with that. I found the netbook remix to be too restrictive. What are your system specs? If they're good enough to run Windows XP Home then you won't/shouldn't have a problem with the desktop version.
          There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.


            Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

            I run the desktop version on a netbook and a reinstall isn't necessary. All you need to do is remove plasma-netbook and kubuntu-netbook-default-settings and install kubuntu-desktop.
            we see things not as they are, but as we are.
            -- anais nin


              Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

              yeah you're right mgurak. I did realize how different the netbook version is. I'll have to install it on my daughters HP Mini and check it out!

              Please Read Me


                Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

                Hi chicken, I tried your tips but that top panel will not budge.
                Because it's often covering the controls of applications I want to have it at the bottom where I'd much less likely cause it to pop up.
                For the rest I like the layout and the borderless main applications.

                Yet I'll probably revert to the regular Kubuntu.

                Attached is a screenshot of my desktop in Application mode, this is an 'almost' out of the box install and quite different to what you show.

                [img width=400 height=225][/img]

                I still can't replicate your issue, widgets lock properly but I use them only on the Newspaper mode desktop.


                  Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

                  Originally posted by wizard10000
                  I run the desktop version on a netbook and a reinstall isn't necessary. All you need to do is remove plasma-netbook and kubuntu-netbook-default-settings and install kubuntu-desktop.
                  Hi wizard10000

                  Actually, you don't have to remove anything. in Lucid Lynx, once you've installed kubuntu-destop over LL netbook remix, (in kde 4.4.x) )all you have to do is to go into system settings->Desktop Settings->Workspace and switch the desktop to your preference (either netbook or desktop).

                  By the way, may be you have noticed that there is no seperate netbook remix 10.10 (maverick meerkat) CD/DVD. This is because from now on they both come pre-installed. 8)

                  Originally posted by mgurak
                  Originally posted by oshunluvr
                  I'm a bit confused...

                  That's probably because chicken is using the netbook remix version of LL and you're using the desktop version. I've never seen Windows 7 Starter but from what I hear it sounds like the netbook remix version of LL, kind of pared down (and dumbed down to a degree). Burn a live cd of the netbook remix version and you'll see that it's a slightly different animal.

                  @chicken: If your machine can run the standard desktop version of LL you'd be much better off going with that. I found the netbook remix to be too restrictive. What are your system specs? If they're good enough to run Windows XP Home then you won't/shouldn't have a problem with the desktop version.
                  Netbook remix version is not a dumbed down version of LL, it IS full blown LL with a simpe KDe DE "configuration". As I've mentioned above, it is very easy to switch between standard desktop and netbook workspace. So I think it is a bit "unfair" to compare it with Windows 7 Starter edition



                    Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

                    Hey, thanks guys...

                    I'm now using the full Kubuntu desktop, which I can easily change to and from as per Oblivion's comments.

                    It's so much better than the Netbook version! Widgets lock properly etc...... I'm still not sure what I was doing wrong with the Netbook desktop.....


                      Re: NetBookRemix 10.4 probs with desktop widgets.....

                      Originally posted by oblivion
                      Actually, you don't have to remove anything. in Lucid Lynx, once you've installed kubuntu-destop over LL netbook remix, (in kde 4.4.x) )all you have to do is to go into system settings->Desktop Settings->Workspace and switch the desktop to your preference (either netbook or desktop).
                      Saw that when I installed Maverick. With Maverick you don't have to install kubuntu-desktop at all
                      we see things not as they are, but as we are.
                      -- anais nin

