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Microblogging plasmod doesn't work since the twitter's update

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    Microblogging plasmod doesn't work since the twitter's update

    Microblogging plasmod doesn't work since the twitter's update.
    Anyone knows if Microblogging plasmod already have an update .

    Re: Microblogging plasmod doesn't work since the twitter's update

    I suspect it has something to do with the new 0Auth screwup, but I don't know if there is an update for your particular case. For those not into Twitter, here is part of an e-mail they sent out:

    There are over 250,000 applications built using the Twitter API. To use most applications, you first authorize the application to access your Twitter account, . . .

    Starting August 31, all applications will be required to use "OAuth" to access your Twitter account.
    I looks like many Twitter apps will be broken, and continue to be broken, for some time. Apparently developers are not happy about it because their apps are likely to get blocked. This whole thing looks crazy. You might be interested in reading the Ars Technica article about Compromising Twitter's OAuth security system.

    Here is a teaser from the article:
    To restore access after a key is exposed and invalidated, the developer of the compromised application will have to register a new key, embed the key in a new version of the program, deploy the new version to end users, and get the users to go through the authorization process again. This is going to be especially challenging for developers who rely on distribution channels like the iPhone application store, which have a lengthy review process. They could find themselves in a situation where their users are locked out for weeks when a key is compromised.

