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Kgpg encrypts, doesn't decrypt

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    Kgpg encrypts, doesn't decrypt

    I'm using (trying to use, that is) Kgpg 2.3.0 on Kubuntu 10.04.1 using KDE 4.4.2. Have others successfully used Kgpg with this kind of configuration?

    I am able to encrypt files, but cannot decrypt them. Selecting the just-encrypted .asc file and right-clicking on Decrypt opens the Key Management window but nothing further happens.

    If I copy those files to a secondary hard disk and then boot my old Klikit-Linux (based on Kubuntu 8.04) drive, I can decrypt those files. The Kgpg running there works perfectly.

    Comparison of Key Management data on the two systems:

    ID: Old (Klikit (Hardy-based) system) and new (Lucid) same except old has "Ox" (or "0x") before it
    Key ID: Old and new the same
    Creation date: Old and new the same
    Algorithm: Old "DSA" , new "DSA/ElGamal"
    Length: Old "1024" , new "1024/2048"
    Fingerprint: Old and new the same

    I posted this problem on the KDE forum and, so far, have received only the suggestion that the problem has to do with private keys, since encryption works OK and that's done with the public keys. I've tried copying the "secring" file from the old system, and using "Export secret key" from that system, but to no avail.

    Can anyone here offer some help? I need a trustworthy encryption process!
    -- Werdigo49
    Registered Linux User #291592
    Kubuntu Xenial Xerus (16.04)

    Re: Kgpg encrypts, doesn't decrypt

    Just for the record... thanks to those who read about the problem. I guess it's not common.

    This is fatal to my use of Lucid Lynx. Traveling last summer with a laptop, I encrypted many files that I cannot access using my Kubuntu 10.04.1 installation. After a lot of work installing my favorite applications, adjusting the Lucid Desktop appearance to my taste, etc., I've gone back to my 8.04-based distribution, Klikit.

    I'll keep checking this (and KDE, where I posted the same question) forum in case a suggestion turns up, and keep trying to sort out the problem myself. For my primary use, though, the cartridge containing the Lucid disk is resting quietly in a desk drawer.

    EDIT: Still no success with Kgpg, but Kleopatra is doing the job, both encrypting new files and decrypting my old ones. I'm not marking this thread "solved" because Kgpg shouldn't have these problems.
    -- Werdigo49
    Registered Linux User #291592
    Kubuntu Xenial Xerus (16.04)

