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Problems after uprating to KDE 4.5 (old kdebase-runtime, user login, hotkeys..)

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    Problems after uprating to KDE 4.5 (old kdebase-runtime, user login, hotkeys..)


    I upgrated from KDE 4.4.5 to 4.5 two or three days ago and noticed some strange behaviors.

    First, I can no longer do CTRL+TAB to switch windows, nothing happens. However the effets and the hotkeys are activated in the conf panel.

    I also tried to create a new account, but I cannot login. It prompts to create a new password, but I cannot select the fields... and then nothing it just kind of freezes. Logs don't seem to contain anything about this.

    Finally, following other forum threads I saw that my 'kdebase-runtime' package version is still 4.4.2 instead of 4.5. But I can't upgrade it (via apt-get or aptitude, even with dist-* or -f option).

    I don't really know what do to to resolve this. Your help would be appreciated, thanks.

    Re: Problems after uprating to KDE 4.5 (old kdebase-runtime, user login, hotkeys..)

    It was resolved deactivating the Ubuntu repository, allowing the system to install the 4.5 version of kdebase-runtime, and then upgrading other packages.

    I don't understand why it upgrated (with dist-upgrade) lots of KDE packages but kdebase-runtime which was still in 4.4.2... Can anyone offer an explanation?

