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Kile is pretty slow ... startup and cursor movement

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    Kile is pretty slow ... startup and cursor movement

    Has anyone else noticed this? I'm using Kile 2.0.85 (from repo) on kubuntu 10.4 (64bit).

    There are actually two aspects: one is the startup time, and one is cursor movement and highlighting.

    The startup time recently increased dramatically, to more than 10 seconds, where it used to be 1 or 2. It seems to be a fairly recent problem (like one or two month), and may be associated with reading the document structure: I can literally see the document structure on the side tab building up chapter by chapter for every document that's opened.
    It's annoying but I guess I can live with it, since I only need to start it once a day. ;-)

    The cursor and highlighting problem has been around for quite a while (a year or so? since I moved to Kile 2.0), but my impression is that it got worse. Auto-spell-checking and auto-completion seem to contribute to this, but I don't want to miss either of the two features! Wrapping very long lines also seems to make it very slower.

    Does anyone else still have these issues (I found a couple of older posts about the cursor problem), and does anyone have a solution?

    Has anyone tried 2.1beta? Is it worth a try?


    Re: Kile is pretty slow ... startup and cursor movement

    Originally posted by Chopstick
    Has anyone else noticed this? I'm using Kile 2.0.85 (from repo) on kubuntu 10.4 (64bit).
    Has anyone tried 2.1beta? Is it worth a try?
    2.0.85 is 2.1 beta2

    Since upgrading to Lucid, I have no real issues with Kile being slow anymore. I just opened up my Bachelor's Thesis project (93 pages in pdf, 15 source files); I can watch it opening all the files on startup, and the "scanning project files" takes time too so I'd estimate the time spent on all that to be about 10 seconds. After that, it is a bit slow in changing tabs (source files) or opening windows which each takes about one second.
    Highlighting or cursor movement is without any noticeable delay, I think this problem disappeared for me after upgrading to Lucid. Have you tried the "raster"-option?
    My machine has 2x2.6Ghz and 4Gig of RAM.


      Re: Kile is pretty slow ... startup and cursor movement

      Thanks for the info THHHB, I did not know that 2.0.85 is 2.1beta (which beta release? 4?); I'm somewhat surprised that a beta version is in the official repos...

      I think I had the least trouble with 2.0.3...

      So the slow startup I was referring to is actually the project scanning, but it also takes 10+ seconds for a simple 20-slide beamer presentation or a ~7500 words paper with one file. Actually the project tree on the side panel seems to build up multiple times...

      Do you have lots of really long lines in your tex-file? I have the habit of writing whole paragraphs in one line... maybe I should change that. However, I don't think this is the only problem, because I experience these cursor delay problems even in beamer source files, where I generally don't have long lines.

      I tried "--graphicssystem raster" and "--graphicssystem opengl": raster has no effect at all, and opengl doesn't seem to work (the window is just white).

      My system is a 2.3GHz Dual Core with 3GB RAM, so not so different from yours.
      The CPU load and RAM usage of Kile is minimal, even when I experience all these delays, so it is clearly not a performance problem.



        Re: Kile is pretty slow ... startup and cursor movement

        Originally posted by Chopstick
        Thanks for the info THHHB, I did not know that 2.0.85 is 2.1beta (which beta release? 4?); I'm somewhat surprised that a beta version is in the official repos...
        Well, at least this one works- the first KDE4 versions of Kile were just awful, so I built and used the "old" KDE3 version back then.

        Originally posted by Chopstick
        So the slow startup I was referring to is actually the project scanning, but it also takes 10+ seconds for a simple 20-slide beamer presentation or a ~7500 words paper with one file. Actually the project tree on the side panel seems to build up multiple times...
        That I cannot see on my machine. Project scanning is over pretty quickly, with dynamic word wrap, auto completion and spell checking all enabled.

        Originally posted by Chopstick
        Do you have lots of really long lines in your tex-file? I have the habit of writing whole paragraphs in one line... maybe I should change that. However, I don't think this is the only problem, because I experience these cursor delay problems even in beamer source files, where I generally don't have long lines.
        Yeah, I also do that- I think it's what you're supposed to do.

        Originally posted by Chopstick
        My system is a 2.3GHz Dual Core with 3GB RAM, so not so different from yours.
        The CPU load and RAM usage of Kile is minimal, even when I experience all these delays, so it is clearly not a performance problem.
        I can see a rise of CPU activity to about 80% on both cores when starting kile with a project, but that's it.

        You could try opening your source files with kate (base for kile), and see whether you have the cursor movement problem there as well which would point to a problem in kate rather than kile. Also, I remember that in earlier releases of kile/kate the autosave feature caused some delays.


          Re: Kile is pretty slow ... startup and cursor movement

          I already tried disabling autosave, but it does not have any noticeable effect. (I also read that)

          Kate doesn't have these problems...


            Re: Kile is pretty slow ... startup and cursor movement

            I disabled dynamic line wrap again (using static instead), and I noticed that the cursor delay, especially with highlighting, was significantly reduced.

            I tried this earlies with negative results; the important point is that no single dynamics line wrap must be in view and you need to scroll a bit to see the effect (I guess it has to reload the page).

            With static line wrap Kile is usable again, even with in-line spell-checking and auto-completion.

            Btw. the delay in highlighting even applies to mouse highlighting! But it is not so severe. When I go really crazy with highlighting over several pages and up and down the CPU load goes close to 100% on one core, but the delay is clearly noticeable well before the CPU load rises.


