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missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

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    missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

    I upgraded to the Kubuntu 10.04 LTS a week or two ago (I have been so lazy that was a double upgrade), and have found a list of things I want to improve on my installation. I will start with a not so serious one since my hacking muscles are somewhat weakened after prioritizing other aspects of life for a while:

    I am missing some icons - they are replaced by empty question mark icons. An example of this is for konqueror. I have put a picture in the picture gallery since it will do more than thousand words....
    look at the navigation bar left margin...just question marks.

    Is there a reset thing (like delete something to regenerate from defaults, isnt that kind of kde like troubleshooting?) that will help me?

    I also have this problem with Kmail (especially the bogofilter junk e mail buttons spring to mind). I have an idea that somehow some icons dont update but that may be either due to not all the artwork being in place in the distributions or because we need more artists to do more icons? A lot of icons in kontact look very colorful and oldskool compared to kde 4.4 in general.

    Any hints from people that have been following the development closer? (OH and yes icons is very very serious - my akonadi errormessages will come in a later post I think...)

    Re: missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

    Sometimes the KDE icon cache could get corrupted. If this is the problem then this could help > Topic: Corrupt Desktop Icons
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      Re: missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

      I tried the trick described in the older thread. I noticed I had to do the double rm really quick to achieve the "missing file" message. However, when I finally achieved that I think it indicates I was succesful at following the recipe.

      However, my icons are still missing, shown as question marks, even after logging out and in again. It is exactly identical to what you see in the image linked in my first post.
      Someone got other ideas to try?


        Re: missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

        Something to try - this should help IF your oxygen icon theme is damaged.

        Install another icon theme (full theme for the KDE4). System Settings > Apperance > Icons.

        Does another theme have all icons ? Or are there still missing icons ?

        Here (Kubuntu 10.04.1 KDE 4.4.2) with the default Oxygen

        and with the > Neon

        If another icon theme is showing all icons then try to reinstall the oxygen icon theme.
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          Re: missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

          Today I switched to the other icon theme (KDE Snowish or something like that) and wooha there was the missing icons. Switching back to oxygen, gone again.
          (It has been like that for a long time, ie. since Kubuntu 9.04 and does not seem to repair itself. I will try a oxygen reinstall, if I find out how to do it )

          Interesting exercise, I once installed another icon theme but did not check if the missing icons were working, I just noticed it was ugly and went back to oxygen. Thanks for pointing me to the obvious option I overlooked.


            Re: missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

            I got around to trying the reinstall tonight, but halted upon realizing that removing the oxygen-icon-theme seems to imply a near complete KDE removal according to apt:

            (I have tried to translate the system language back to english in the quote below, some differences almost guaranteed)
            myuser@mylaptop:~$ sudo apt-get remove oxygen-icon-theme 
            reading package lists ... complete
            checking dependencies      
            reading state information ... complete
            The following packages were automatically installed and is no longer required:
             (skipped a list of a lot of probably not relevant application names)
            use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
            the following packages will be REMOVED:
             akregator amarok apport-kde apport-qt apturl-kde ark digikam digikam-doc
             dolphin dragonplayer freespacenotifier gdebi-kde gwenview install-package
             jockey-kde juk-kde4 k3b kaddressbook kaffeine kaffeine-mozilla kamera kate
             kbluetooth kcalc kcm-gtk kcm-touchpad kcolorchooser kcron kde-icons-oxygen
             kde-printer-applet kde-style-qtcurve kde-window-manager kde-zeroconf
             kdebase-bin kdebase-plasma kdebase-runtime kdebase-workspace
             kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data
             kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins kdebluetooth kdegraphics
             kdegraphics-strigi-plugins kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork-filesharing
             kdepasswd kdepim-groupware kdepim-kio-plugins kdepim-kresources
             kdepim-runtime kdepim-strigi-plugins kdepim-wizards kdesudo kdm kfind kgamma
             khelpcenter4 kipi-plugins klipper kmag kmail kmailcvt kmilo-kde4 kmix
             kmousetool kmplayer kmplayer-base knetworkconf knm-runtime knotes
             kolourpaint4 konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins konqueror-plugins
             konsole kontact konversation kopete kopete-message-indicator korganizer
             kpackagekit kplayer kplayer-doc kppp krdc krfb krosspython kruler
             kscreensaver ksnapshot ksysguard ksystemlog ktimetracker ktorrent
             kubuntu-debug-installer kubuntu-desktop kubuntu-firefox-installer
             kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts kubuntu-notification-helper kuser kvkbd
             kwalletmanager kwin kwin-kde4 kwin-style-crystal kwin-style-qtcurve
             language-selector-qt libk3b6 libk3b6-extracodecs libkcddb4 libkdcraw8
             libkdcraw8-dev libkdepim4 libkexiv2-8 libkexiv2-8-dev libkipi7 libkipi7-dev
             libkleo4 libkonq5 libkonqsidebarplugin4 libkopete4 libkpgp4 libksieve4
             libmimelib4 marble mplayerthumbs okular okular-extra-backends
    oxygen-icon-theme plasma-dataengines-addons
             plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-desktop plasma-scriptengine-javascript
             plasma-scriptengine-python plasma-widget-facebook plasma-widget-folderview
             plasma-widget-googlecalendar plasma-widget-kimpanel
             plasma-widget-kubuntu-feedback plasma-widget-message-indicator
             plasma-widget-networkmanagement plasma-widget-playwolf
             plasma-widget-quickaccess plasma-widgets-addons plasma-widgets-workspace
             polkit-kde-1 printer-applet python-kde4 quassel software-properties-kde
             strigi-applet system-config-printer-kde systemsettings ubufox
             update-manager-kde update-notifier-kde usb-creator-kde userconfig
            0 oppgraderte, 0 nyleg installerte, [b]160 will be removed[/b] og 0 skal ikkje oppgraderast.
            Needless to say I became quite sceptical about removing this package. There will be nothing left of KDE! Any advice?


              Re: missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

              Have you tried with the "reinstall" ?

              More sophisticated package manager front-ends do have the option to reinstall.

              [img width=400 height=294][/img]

              With the apt-get:
              sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package>

              man apt-get:
              Re-Install packages that are already installed and at the newest version.

              > FAQ: Package Managers
              > HOWTO find Kubuntu's manual / reference / guide / documentation / help
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                Re: missing / not updating(?) icons due to upgrade process(?) is there a restore?

                Thanks, Rog131!
                I started using just apt-get from version 6.10 but I do not know/remember all the actions and options to go with it (--purge comes in handy so often i still remember). It is great to get a reminder sometimes that there is more under the hood.

                I --reinstalled the oxygen icons theme and then even installed oxygen-icon-theme-complete. Reselected icons theme, and opened konqueror again - still looked the same. Then I figured out, the probability for the icons being ok is good, it could be the application that lost the link to the icon. To make matters worse, at this point I found out that konqueror sidebars actually has a select icon option....and it worked. I had no idea this was an option but I should have had that idea, it is KDE, there are options....

                Now there are a few other applications with missing icons around (at least until now) and I will see if those are either fixed, fixable or still trouble. (That may have to wait one more day - soccer cup finals starting on TV right now.. SANTOS! )

