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Kopete starts with no accounts. After several minutes they appear and connect

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    Kopete starts with no accounts. After several minutes they appear and connect

    When I start Kopete it initially claims to have no configured accounts. In fact, I have 4 accounts configured. After several minutes, the accounts appear and they all connect fine. This delay is very annoying.

    I think it is to do with Akonadi. If I start Akonadi manually before starting Kopete, then the Kopete accounts are there immediately. If I start Akonadi after starting Kopete, then there is no effect on Kopete. Also, if I stop Kopete once it has connected and then start it again, it has all its accounts immediately.

    I suppose when Kopete starts for the first time in a session it is requesting Akonadi to start? And perhaps then waiting a fixed time to let Akonadi get started? Not sure. Can someone tell me what is going on and how get Kopete to connect more quickly, please?

    I am using an up to date Kubuntu 10.04. I was using 9.10 before so my settings may have retained some rubbish I suppose.


    Re: Kopete starts with no accounts. After several minutes they appear and connect

    An update (because this is still happening).

    Using Akondi System Tray, I can see that when KDE has started, Akondi Server is not running. I then run Kopete and I can see that Akonadi is now running. But Kopete is still sitting there doing nothing. So I quit Kopete to see what would happen if I started it again, but it wouldn't start again. I had to kill the kopete process first.

    All very annoying and as much as I like kopete I am getting increasingly tempted to try something else - Pidgin maybe. The trouble is I am a bit tight for disk space and I am worried pidgin will bring with it a hefty chunk of gnome.



      Re: Kopete starts with no accounts. After several minutes they appear and connect

      See my HOWTO Configure KDE and Akonadi so it just works and follow just this part:

      Akonadi server needs to be running before Kontact is launched to avoid Akonadi
      Server Self Test errors, and to ensure that your Contacts will be seen when
      Kontact is launched. We accomplish this by adding an entry to Autostart as

      K > System Settings > Advanced > Autostart > Add Program...
      In the pop-up, type: /usr/bin/akonadictl start and click OK
      Check Enabled Startup
      This will ensure that akonadi is started when you log in to your desktop. This should resolve your problem - hopefully.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

