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math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

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    math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04


    I had kubuntu 9.10, and I installed mathematica 7 on it. Then after the
    next kubuntu came, I upgraded my system to kubuntu 10.04. Now I can't use
    my mathematica.

    I get the error:
    " Mathematica could not establish a connection to the kernel.
    Kernel: local.
    Low-level Mathlink error: The linkname was missing or not in the proper
    form. "

    I've removed and re-installed math, but he same error. Also I tried math6,
    but it didn't help me.

    I don't know how to solve this. I'm also not too much expertise neither on
    kubuntu nor on mathematica. But I need to work with my math!

    can anyone please help me?

    Thanks in advance,

    p.s: the error window is attached.
    Attached Files

    Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

    I don't know that package and have no experience with it, but with the help of Google I believe the answer to your issue is on this page:

    Look at the part in the middle, beginning with "Passive Connections", and also "Using a running kernel".


      Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

      Thanks for the answer. The problem is that I do not understand what these pages tell me! I've read them before, and tried the things that came to my mind, but . and also these guides are for starting remote kernel, while I want to manage a local kernel!

      There is a window in mathematica in which one can change kernel properties, I've attached mine. Maybe it can help.

      Please, if you've any other suggestions I'd be grateful.

      Attached Files


        Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

        It looks like there is a solution here:

        Do you know how to edit the file /etc/fstab?


          Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04


          may I know what you searched? because I was searching the web for 2 days, and I didn't find such a similar task?!

          I really like to learn how to find the answer for my problems!

          thanks again,


            Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

            Simple enough. Dibl (and I) just Googled on the error you got, and that you posted. The exact Google search (for me) was:

            Mathematica could not establish a connection to the kernel. Kernel:local
            (no quotes, just the exact wording above)

            This found the same link that Dibl posted: Mathematica & Slackware 11

            Using Google is an art. You have to understand (I do it through observation of search terms used and the results I get) how Google searches work in order to make the most of your searches.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

              Here is a good place to start learning how to use Google:
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

                thanks for all the information and helps.

                After 3 days being out of town, and far from my com, I came back and tried to change the /etc/fstab file as explained in the link: But nothing happened to my math! and everything is just as before!

                I've tried to search the web myself the way explained in the links:

                and I've found some similar tasks, but I couldn't solve my problem yet! Is there any other suggestions?


                I've also attached my /etc/fstab file, it may be useful.
                Attached Files


                  Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

                  Originally posted by
                  I came back and tried to change the /etc/fstab file as explained in the link: But nothing happened to my math! and everything is just as before!

                  I've also attached my /etc/fstab file, it may be useful.
                  You did successfully edit your /etc/fstab file to add the line. Have you rebooted your PC since making this change?
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04


                    As you suggested, a reboot made math work properly!

                    But isn't it a lack in linux, that just like windows when you configure the system files (or sometimes when you update your packages) a restart is needed? (I think there can be some other things rather than restarting the whole pc to make the changes work).

                    Never mind, now my mathematica works properly, and also now I've learned searching in google better!

                    thanks everyone.


                      Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

                      It would have been possible to make the new /etc/fstab configuration effective by remounting all drives and partitions with

                      sudo mount -a
                      and a reboot would have been avoided. But, for inexperienced folks with unknown configurations and startup options, it's easier to tell them to reboot. Most operations with Linux that do not involve booting a new kernel can be done without rebooting, but if the X server is involved with a package or configuration change, it has to be shutdown and the changes and X restart must be done at the command line.


                        Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

                        Thx dibl for the information. I like this kind of stuffs.

                        be happy and successful.


                          Re: math link error after upgrading to kubuntu 10.04

                          What Dibl said ... and ...

                          Changes in the video configuration requires a restart of the xserver. It used to be that Alt+Ctl+backspace would restart the server but in Kubuntu that combination is not enabled. (You can enable it but I wouldn't). To restart the xserver without rebooting one can log out, choose the menu option from the login screen to restart the xserver, then log back in.

                          Or, one can open a konsole and issue
                          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart

                          That and other handy Kubuntu CLI commands are found here.

                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

