I have a general problem with programs where data has to be exported then re-imported after the new installation. It happens with Thunderbird and Kontact particularly. Each of these installs with a default address book, Personal Address Book in the case of Thunderbird. When I import my old address book, which I have saved as, say addressbook_100601.ldif, it creates a new address book called addressbook_100601.
In the case of Kontact, it's worse because it happens with the calendar too. When I try to save a modified version of an event which was already present, it tells me
You are not the organizer of this event. Editing it will bring your calendar out of sync with the organizer's calendar. Do you really want to edit it?
How do I avoid this? And what do they mean by "out of sync"? Will it save two versions or something?
In the case of Kontact, it's worse because it happens with the calendar too. When I try to save a modified version of an event which was already present, it tells me
You are not the organizer of this event. Editing it will bring your calendar out of sync with the organizer's calendar. Do you really want to edit it?
How do I avoid this? And what do they mean by "out of sync"? Will it save two versions or something?