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Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

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    Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

    This is the error that I get even when trying to update in Gnome:

    E: /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.4.85-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa3_all.deb: a tentar reescrever '/usr/share/kde4/config.kcfg/freespacenotifier.kcfg', que também existe no pacote freespacenotifier 0


      Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

      I'll tell you what I would do, but I cannot guarantee a happy outcome. :P

      sudo rm /var/cache/archives/kdebase*
      sudo dkpg --configure -a


        Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

        the package freespacenotifier (which was supposed to be removed during this , but didn't for some reason) is blocking the update process. You can either try uninstalling freespacenotifier, or at worst, force the stuck packages like this:

        sudo dpkg -i --force --overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.4.85-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa3_all.deb
        then run
        sudo dpkg --config -a
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

        to make sure everything goes without any errors


          Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2


          Thanks for your sugestions. After the removal of freespacenotifier, the other updates were installed OK. But now how can I execute KDE?
          I tryed to do a Logout and when it asks me for the Login, at the botom I can see the sessions, but the alternatives are: Gnome - Gnome Recurso or Xterm.... No KDE there....

          Thanks once again.


            Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

            try installing the package kubuntu-desktop - it should pull in any missing packages. You might need to reboot, but I think logging out should be fine.


              Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

              OK, I'm gonna try that. Thanks


                Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

                Finally I get my KDE back on

                Thanks for all your help. You are the greatest.


                  Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

                  So after playing around with KDE 4.5 beta 2 for a while -- the new look is neat, but it's definitely not ready for prime time yet -- I tried to back out to 4.4.

                  That... didn't work. I wound up reinstalling everything.

                  Anyway, I'm looking forward to the full release but I'm staying away from betas for a while.


                    Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

                    Originally posted by zenarcher
                    That was my thought, as well. After seeing the announcement on the Kubuntu website in "News" I pretty much figured all proper packages would be in place, since there was no statement to the contrary, such as "allow time for all packages to be uploaded."
                    However, the news item does include this disclaimer: "This is beta software so expect bugs."


                      Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

                      Sure, expect bugs. But the bugs we got are more accurately described by calling it an alpha release, not a beta release. On the one hand, yes, we need to expect bugs. On the other hand it'd be nice if we had a little more information on the types and scope of bugs to expect. Used to be the pre-release labels would clue you in to that, but at least in this instance that wasn't the case.


                        Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

                        Originally posted by ubersoft
                        Sure, expect bugs. But the bugs we got are more accurately described by calling it an alpha release, not a beta release. On the one hand, yes, we need to expect bugs. On the other hand it'd be nice if we had a little more information on the types and scope of bugs to expect.
                        To be honest, we don't know what to expect, until the packaging get tested.

                        Used to be the pre-release labels would clue you in to that, but at least in this instance that wasn't the case.
                        Huh? This wasn't enough??
                        For those wanting the latest crack-of-the-week, packages for the release of the KDE Software Compilation 4.5 Beta 2 are available.
                        This is beta software so expect bugs. Bugs in packaging should be reported to kubuntu-ppa on Launchpad. Bugs in the software to KDE.
                        Hmm I see no one reporting any bugs much

                        This is NOT pre-release, at least as it relates to 10.04, as 4.5 will never be an official part of Lucid Lynx,. Unlike the point releases for 4.4.x, which often make it into the official Ubuntu Updates repo.


                          Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

                          It's not enough to call it "prerelease," claydoh. In development, the designations "Alpha" and "Beta" mean something. They are labels that are used to describe the amount of progress an in-development effort has gone through. A release candidate is considered stable enough to be tested to determine whether it is release worthy. A beta release is unstable, but "getting there." Alpha releases are the wild, wild west, and what works one day might not work the next, and simply installing an alpha can negatively effect everything else on the machine you're running it on.

                          Calling something not just "Beta" but "Beta 2" implies a certain level of stability -- not that the code is stable, but that parts of it are stable enough to allow a level of depth in your testing that an alpha release wouldn't provide. 4.5 is not, in my opinion, at that level, and should have been listed as an alpha release.

                          And in general I really wish people would stop acting like anyone who is critical of something in Kubuntu is attacking Kubuntu and everything it stands for. I disagree with a designation of a specific pre-release of software because I believe it miscommunicates how far along the software is. There are people who are willing to risk testing betas who will never touch alpha releases, and in this case they're in danger of downloading and trying out something that really is alpha quality. This doesn't mean the Kubuntu team is lazy or incompetent or evil or anything that -- it does mean I think they need to take more time to consider where something actually is in its development process so that the people who are willing to risk testing it for them have a clearer idea of what they're getting into.

                          For the record, all the bugs I tried to report were already reported, and the kubuntu bug reporting tool informed me there was no point in re-reporting them or even in adding a "me too." So while no one is reporting any of the bugs the ones I found seem to be covered.


                            Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

                            The software may be in beta (I seldom see KDE release alpha code , generally speaking), but the packaging of this code is very new to those creating them for their respective distros, so it is rather pointless to even "blame" upstream KDE for this, even though they have labeled this as Beta2 (and NOT Kubuntu).

                            If you want to try untested software, no matter how it is labeled, you still do so at your own risk. You are criticizing Kubuntu as if they are the ones who produced KDE SC 4.5 beta 2 and released it as if it were for general consumption (relatively, when it clearly states that there will be bugs.

                            I am not trying to bash anyone, but your complaints are just mis-directed. You install untested packages of a pre-release version of KDE onto your OS and complain about the quality and bugs. Complain to KDE about their labeling. If this was Maverick Beta2, and things are as bad for you in it's beta2 release, then by all means speak up, and loudly!! As well as filing bugs

                            But in the end, testing pre-release software, no matter how it is labeled is and always will be without guarantees or warranties. Complaining about that just gets people riled up


                              Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2

                              I, personally, would rather see the bugs fixed so that a future pre-release shall be worth the label rather than discussing whether a labeling, choosen in the past, was appropriate or not. But apparenlty that is just me.
                              apachelogger, Kubuntu Core Developer and Master of the Minions.


                                Re: Installing KDE SC 4.5 Beta 2


                                *looks at the KDE website and realizes his error*

                                Claydoh I have to say it: you're right, I was wrong.

                                I was assuming this was Kubuntu designating their attempt to integrate 4.5 into Kubuntu as "beta 2," but looking on the KDE site I see the release of 4.5 is actually classified "beta 2" by them. I had assumed incorrectly in this case and, as you say, I should have directed my ire towards KDE, not Kubuntu.

                                Which I will do in a second, though I have to say that given their past history when it comes to versioning I'm not going to hold out a lot of hope...

                                Anyway, I apologize.

