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Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

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    Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

    I cannot solve this problem: How-to launch KMenu by pressing win-key(s)?? There was a trick in KDE 3.5.10, but in KDE4 everything is changed..
    HLP PLS ...

    Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

    Right Click on the menu, select Application launcher settings.

    Click the keyboard shortcut.

    Select the key combination you want to use.
    Using Linux since 1999<br />Current system openSUSE 11.3 <br />Toshiba A505-S6035<br />Intel core i7, Nvidia 300m GT<br />4 gigs of DDR3, SATA 500 gig 7200 rpm hard drive


      Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

      That exactly was my first step...

      But DONT WORK.

      When I press win-key, it shows "Meta+" and wait for next key. BUT I want to launch KMenu just by pressing win-key! The same behavior like M$ windouz.

      What can I do?


        Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

        Try Alt-F1. If that works correctly, then all you need to do is use System Settings > "Input Actions" and change it to the Win key:


          Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

          Actually it won't allow you to use just the meta+ key, you need two key combination.

          For instance I just set mine to meta+Z.

          The two keys are right next to other and one finger can hit them both at the same time.
          Using Linux since 1999<br />Current system openSUSE 11.3 <br />Toshiba A505-S6035<br />Intel core i7, Nvidia 300m GT<br />4 gigs of DDR3, SATA 500 gig 7200 rpm hard drive


            Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

            If not allowed, how to remap win key to something else? In KDE3 I had it remaped to F13 by this:

            keycode 115 = F13
            With this, it worked..

            But this dont work in KDE4


              Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

              Did you use xev to make sure the keycode is the same? On mine the win key is keycode 133 and 134 is assigned to F13.

              Please Read Me


                Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

                ; Yes, You are right! I just blindly copyed .Xmodmap file from Hardy and expect full compatibility... Seems like keycodes are reasigned in newer Kubuntus... :-X

                But, there is still one issue: I am using the traditional Classic KMenu. If I use keyboard shortcut, KMenu launches well. But, when I press this shortcut again, KMenu don't disappears. It should. (This problem is related to traditional classic KMenu only; with the new KMenu it work wery well).
                Can anyone try it and confirm it?


                  Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

                  Hmm, remodding keycode 133 to for example F8 doesn't work here. It only works when pressing real F8, but not win.
                  Most important laptop specs (this is my main computer, with Kubuntu on it):<br /><br />4096MB RAM (DDR2)<br />500GB Hard Disk<br />ATI Mobility Radeon 4570HD Videocard with 512MB GDDR3 RAM, up to 2280MB VRAM<br />Intel® Core™ 2 Duo-processor T6600<br /><br />OS: Kubuntu 10.10


                    Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

                    You should restart after change remodding.


                      Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

                      Originally posted by iX
                      You should restart after change remodding.
                      Already did that several times, but still only real F8 works
                      Most important laptop specs (this is my main computer, with Kubuntu on it):<br /><br />4096MB RAM (DDR2)<br />500GB Hard Disk<br />ATI Mobility Radeon 4570HD Videocard with 512MB GDDR3 RAM, up to 2280MB VRAM<br />Intel® Core™ 2 Duo-processor T6600<br /><br />OS: Kubuntu 10.10


                        Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

                        1, Check keycode by xev command. Maybe mistake?
                        2, Check ".Xmodmap" file - permissions, exactly filename (".xmodmap" don'd work!!), location in /home/user/ directory...
                        3, Check syntax in it:
                        keycode 133 = F13
                        4, Maybe You can't remodde to existing key - You maybe should use key, wich You don't have in real - F13 or higher?
                        5, Or something strange else happens... Maybe the answers are on the Lost's magic island, so get to 815 Oceanic airplane and visit it?


                          Re: Shortcut to KMenu by window key.

                          Nope, even F13 keeps defaulting back to F8
                          I checked it, everything works fine. And if I try to add a shortcut to something else with the Win-key, than it complains that the Win-key is already in use as a shortcut. But it still doesn't bring up the K Menu
                          Most important laptop specs (this is my main computer, with Kubuntu on it):<br /><br />4096MB RAM (DDR2)<br />500GB Hard Disk<br />ATI Mobility Radeon 4570HD Videocard with 512MB GDDR3 RAM, up to 2280MB VRAM<br />Intel® Core™ 2 Duo-processor T6600<br /><br />OS: Kubuntu 10.10

