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KTTS issues - cannot install/add other voices to KTTS than default

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    KTTS issues - cannot install/add other voices to KTTS than default


    I can't seem to use other voices with kttsd except the default (robotlike) espeak -english. I've installed almost all the voices in the repo (festival , eflite etc .. ) and festival , eflite , speech-dispatcher (support for festival , eflite etc ..) yet kttsd does not detect it. KTTS only detects the espeak voices (multi-language) but then i am unable to install it, whenever i try to install it and try to run speak command it says no voice installed, please check log (or something), i've check the (all) log but it was empty.

    How do i use my other festival voices or other engines in the new KTTS. It was working fine in the 9.10.



    Re: KTTS issues - cannot install/add other voices to KTTS than default


    /1/ > kttsd
    /2/ > Speech Dispatcher
    /3/ > Text-To-Speech: Festival/speechd working, but no talkers in KTTSMgr
    /4/ > speechd and festival
    /5/ > Linux: can't open /dev/dsp
    /6/ > HOWTO: Install CMU (Carnegie Mellon University) Voices

    My notes (festival):

    It seems that now (KDE 4.4):
    kttsd -> speech dispatcher -> festival

    Speech Dispatcher is not working out of box. The settings and the logs are:

    - i need to set the output module to festival
    - audio output method to alsa
    - the start oder is festival then speech-dispatcher /3/
    - the speech-dispatcher is not working with additional CMU's /6/. There is the error /4/:
    SIOD: unknown voice cmu_us...

    The easiest way (with the festival, at here) is to bypass the kde and speech-dispatcher and use the festival directly.

    man festival
    festival - a text-to-speech system.

    festival [options] [file0] [file1] ...

    To speak clipboard contents:
    qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper getClipboardContents | festival --tts
    It is easy to add a keyboard shortcut or make a launch button.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information

