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How to speed up the KDE boot process?

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    How to speed up the KDE boot process?

    I've notice since upgrading to 10.04 that KDE seems to stall for about 15- to 20-seconds after the desktop appears. If I click an icon in the task bar (or panel - whatever KDE calls it), I get launch feedback but the program doesn't actually launch until after the start-up sound plays at around the 20-second mark. If I click the K button to access my program menu, again, the menu won't actually appear until after the start up sound is played. I've looked at the activity monitor (which, incidentally, I can launch with CRTL+ESC; hmmm... maybe the stall is restricted to the panel?) and don't see any suspect programs that are taking more CPU cycles than they should, so I really have no idea what's going on. I've looked at a few logs but none of them proved helpful partly because I don't know what logs I'm looking for exactly and partly because I don't know what to look for in those logs.

    Any suggestions?