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Widget sharing over local network . . . am I missing something?

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    Widget sharing over local network . . . am I missing something?

    Errr so I actually have more than one computer on my local network running KDE with Plasma once again, previously it was only my main computer (all the others were more specialized, running XBMC or openbox+tint2+krunner or so forth) and I went "hey, I've been meaning to try out this new 'sharing' thing." So I went into a widget, clicked on "share" and checkmarked both "share this widget on the network" and "allow everybody to freely access this widget".

    Thing is, although it then pops up with a notification on the computer in question and on the other currently running computer, clicking on "add this widget to the current activity" does absolutely nothing. No widget appears anywhere, and nothing new appears in the widgets list under "Running".

    Sooooo, am I doing something wrong? And is there any other way to add a shared widget other than using the notification? The notification, it should be noted, removes the "add" button once you've clicked on it once, and only seems to pop up if a widget it set to shared while the potential client is currently running plasma . . . surely there's a more robust way to find and add these shared widgets , but my google-fu seems to be far too weak to find out what it is.

    Re: Widget sharing over local network . . . am I missing something?

    Okay, so I now have another powerful computer on my network, also running Kubuntu 10.04, so I ask again: does anyone have this working? Does anyone know why it isn't for me?


      Re: Widget sharing over local network . . . am I missing something?

      i'm trying to figure this out as well!
      any luck so far??

      sounds like a cool feature, but it needs to be more intuitive.



        Re: Widget sharing over local network . . . am I missing something?

        Still not working for me with either 10.04 or 10.10 (and its respective iteration of KDE). Le sigh.

