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Menu Editor creates ghost folders and won't save changes

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    Menu Editor creates ghost folders and won't save changes

    I've found a few very old topics on this but nothing recent (and none of those other topics were successfully answered anyway); so, hopefully, I'm not repeating anyone else's question.

    My problem is this: I'm running 10.04 and I want to edit the application launcher menu. I open Menu Editor and remove some applications, drag some others around, create a few folders, delete a few others. At the end, when I have things the way I want them, I save and ... some changes save, some don't, some folders end up in the wrong place (usually, if I've dragged the folder to a few different locations, the final location does not stick -- the folder ends up in one of its earlier positions or just randomly inside another folder), a bunch of empty ghost folders are created (eg, "utilities-2", etc.), and, occasionally, my original folders are renamed (eg, "games" becomes "games-2" and a ghost folder is created and named "games").

    This happens whether I make all the changes and save at the end, save after every change, save and close out of menu editor after each individual change, save and restart, etc.

    Usually, if I only make 1 or 2 minor changes, it works fine; however, if I make a bunch, all that stuff above happens.

    Any ideas?